Hi im 14 and i merely started my interval 3 days ago i've be smelling some odor from down within
i also have another question around how long will it take for my period to become a regular cycle?
Answers: Read everything roughly speaking first period and menstrual cycle in http://www.menstrual-cycle.info/19-First...
Be Healthy and Happy!.
Some girls never attain regular.
You cant tell, ask your mom when hers did.
About the smell, trust me no one can smell it. Its with the sole purpose you, when you go to school and stuff you can smell it, even from one bathroom stall to the subsequent they can't smell it, and it they do they wont be able to tell what it is, trust me..
you entail to wash down there every time during your period, just a obedient lather and rinse will take vigilance of most of the odor.
as for regularity, no one can say if you will be regular or irregular, most teens do experience some, but not adjectives.most women are settled into their cycle by the time they are 21 or 22. Um,the only thing I can right to be heard is take a shower everyday.Um,start using tampons.Maybe use ALWAYS wipes.And usually it take a 1-2 years for your cycle to become regular..
Is it fishy?
It's period smell, really.
It might be nasty, but it's fine.
Just whenever you own your period, wipe yourself with a kid wipe, not regular toilet paper.
the odor is probably from you leaving the pad in too long. but some peoples blood just stinks. Um usally ur length dosent become regular until 5 months to a yr that's normal. just remember to renovation the pads after a few hours. i'm guessing it would take a year or so...