Is it weird to articulate i dont know who i am or maybe i juss abhorrence myself?

idk if any1 is going to understand this but its my mood and i dont know y im writting them down mayb i juss want to feel resembling im not alone.i feel approaching right when im starting to feel better something take me back to a sh*t hole,i be aware of like no1 feel do way i do,resembling i have no1 to tlk to cuz ppl would juss muse im weird,my slefsteem doesnt backing,things always tend to hurt me so much,im 16 and vivacity and feeling r juss so complicated for me to do business with,and i other end up crying for no root or mayb i juss dont know wich one it is, im so different from all of my friends,they wouldnt attain me, i juss feel close to i really need someone to come and pick up me cuz im drowning so deep,someone whos material and i dont want to feel this opening. i dont want to always cry and find so emotional around things and feel worth nought,a friend to see me for what i am, its like im other faking to b this entity that am not so i keep everything inside me so i dont enjoy to tlk about this depression.

My girlfriend..?

One of the things I know going on for being a teen girl is that they develop emotionally first, so they can go from mortal really angry to being really disheartening really fast.

But alot of it is freshly the hard parts something like life coming to a leader.
It is scary trying to amount out who you are, trying to fit in when you feel resembling you dont (trust me everyone feels this way)

adjectives I can tell you is merely put one foot in front of the other for a while, because it is going to be tough for a couple more years. Remember to respect yourself, assume about how you are going to surface about your decision that you make immediately for the rest of your life. (believe me, I know it is not easy to think in the order of the future, presently but you are NOT invinceable)

Try to stay away from drugs and alcohol because they will only product you feel worse and impair your judgement to do things you will regret.

Find ways to swot to love yourself, find something that you enjoy to rouse up in the morning for, or ways to sustain other people. Even small things, lend a hand elderly people near thier bags, hold doors expand for people, influence thank you, take time to voice something nice to that cashier that everyone is dumping on, put in the picture someone you love them.

Find someone to talk to, resembling a family associate or a hotline.

write in a journal

remember that it will pass......... self a teenager IS REALLY TOUGH!!

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Baby girl your different from your friends because their not the friends you suppose to have. You don't conduct yourself like yourself so they don't really even no you. If you would be yourself consequently you would attract people who really approaching you. You are only 16 yrs feeble and I'm sorry I'm the one to break the news but things ain't peaches and cream adjectives the time people budge through things to make them a stronger soul you need to grow a thicker skin. Because what ever you deliberate about yourself other inhabitants will think also, if you guess you are weird what make you think other ancestors are going to think you are the bomb. Get yourself together, believe contained by yourself, talk to someone if you involve too.

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