What is an orgasm?

i keep asking my parents but its resembling the keep avoiding me...can u answer my grill with lots of info?

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An orgasm for a woman is basically adjectives of the nerves in your body (especially around your vagina) have a feeling like they a moment ago exploded. But in a dutiful way.
It cause the muscles in your vagina to contract chaotically and over and over again for about a minute.
It also releases a rush of adrenaline and endorphins through your body, kindof making it touch like you're floating.
Wikipedia define it as "the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle."
The best way to describe an orgasm is to hold one. Go to clitical.com and read up on some information there.
I'm sorry your parents are avoiding your question, but hopefully you'll find another way to bring back the information you need.

I dont want to be caught?

An sensual idea between to people usually during sex or right after

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i gotta ask why your mark is "sexxi momma" but you dont know what an orgasm is...

Going to the gynecoloist for the first time?

it's when you reach the point that your brain can no longer devise.

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