Bad PMT after miscarriage - please comfort?

I had a miscarriage at the formation of January and since I'm having really unpromising PMT. I get really discouraging mood swings and just burst into tears over the slightest item and then can't stop. I'm finding it adjectives very difficult to cope near. It's particularly bleak the week or so before my time. I didn't really suffer this before I get pregnant, also, my breasts get really sore and tingly similar to I'm pregnant - it's awful. I'm going to see my doc but it will be a couple of weeks so any advice would be appreciated.


Swaying hips of girls?

I'm sorry roughly speaking your miscarriage and all you're going through, but I'm glad to hear that you are going to see your doctor. Be sure to inform him or her all of your symptoms, as all right as your history.

It's possible that your hormone levels own still not adjusted following the pregnancy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you may want to think almost whether or not you may be suffering from some post-partum depression. Miscarriage is hard both on the body and the mind, and sensation depressed can be very adjectives following a miscarriage. Of course, around the time of your period adjectives of these symptoms can be worse.

Your doctor can probably prescribe some medications to give a hand you through this rough time. It may be birth control pills to help alleviate your symptoms (unless you're trying to procure pregnant again) or possibly some anti-depressants for use in the short-term. He or she might also recommend some counseling or a support group as well-- just to capture you though this rough time.

Best of luck to you...I hope this helps.

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