Guys achieve erections looking at girls, but do girls ever get drizzly looking at guys?


Implantation bleeding or ?

Depends on the girl, and the guy. Sometimes I do! Especially if it's a very attractive guy. Like this one guy I have a massive crush on, when I spoke to him one time, I got totally raining, it was a freaky response. And sometimes even watching nice movie stars haha! But it also just happen anyway no matter what's going on.

Tampon support?

yeah when they are apart of chip ennn dales :)

I heard that overstimulation to the urethra/clitoris can bring a UTI is this so?

Depends on the girl. Most women are less visually-stimulated than guys, and it can sometimes whip more time/more stimulation for women to get physically turned on. So, as the first responder pointed out, it'd probably own to be a deliberately erotic situation.

Is something wrong w/ me?

Only when I see my boyfriend.. I basically get for a while bit wet but later if he starts touching me I get really really drizzly. I dont really get vastly wet when I see other guys though, a short time ago my boyfriend =] he's a very sexy man, MmmHmm.

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