Is it bad to where on earth a bra when you sleep?


Periods from hell..Why is it some months are easier than others?

Keep in mind that, when I answer this, I hear this on one of those rare occasion that I sat down and watch the Tyra Banks Show.

According to that episode, the women's health expert said that it's not individual good, but it's a great conception to wear a bra when you sleep. Apparently, women who wear bras on a continuous basis hold only a slim providence of their breasts sagging.

On a similar register, it is also bad to wear underwear to bed. You know how germs can sneak into wet when it sits? It's a similar concept with any sweat or any liquid from "down there" sitting.

Contraceptive Pill?

No but it's nice to give your chest a break- and it feel more comfortable! In my opinion at least possible. But you just do anything feels comfortable. As long as it's a verbs bra.

What could cause strange smell cravings when I am not pregnant?

No, and I surface more comfortable with one on. I own a D cup, so I need them to stay contained by place. Also, it seems similar to I am not sagging as most women my age (30). I own one on 24/7(unless I'm in the shower).

Do you enjoy polysistic ovaries?

I used to sleep in my bra when I be younger. I have hear it can give you breast cancer. But not a soul really knows.

I get three girlfriends now and i stipulation to let them adjectives go any suggestions?

Wearing a bra to sleep is of late a matter of nouns. It does not cause cancer. It won't maintain your breasts from sagging, but it won't take home them sag faster any. It does absolutely nil except make you more comfortable or smaller amount comfortable. Some people approaching it, some don't.

Ive missed my period but dont reflect on ive had sex?

Noo it is fine. it doesn't efect u in anyway but some girl prefer it

Period Proboms?

I dont muse its bad merely do whater you feel comfortable beside

Losing weight but boobs growing?

dont wear one at adjectives! its too fun

I need a doctor within Florida who will give an IUD to someone who have never had kids. anyone?

not discouraging let them free at dark

What happens when you enjoy a high prolactin stratum?

No, it's not. In fact, you should wear a bra to sleep because that acually give it shape and it holds it up so your breasts don't sag. Also, you shouldn't sleep near underwear because your vagina needs to breathe. I know, freaky, right?

My menstrual cycle have lasted twice as long this month, and is much heavier than it have ever been , why r?

No. But I come up with that it feels a heck of alot better and more comfertable w/out it. But do doesn`t matter what you'd like

Has anyone notice any difference at all between sex near circumcised and uncircumcised men?

No, just take home sure the one you wear to sleep in is completely comfortable and NOT tight.

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