Periods from hell..Why is it some months are easier than others?

and have u ever have the urge to kill someone because of it


How long will Metformin purloin to work w/PCOS?

You bet my butt. Some months will be harder, some months will be easier, and some months can be just plain evil. In my evil months my extent would give me cramps everyday, and sometimes they concluding for 30 minutes. -sigh- And this is one of my evil months. Yesterady night I totally forgot to put 2 pad and it stained my bed. The mums wuz like pissed.

Is blood spotting ovulation?

yeah, mine are similar to that. it makes you touch sooooooooo bad and its true you would want to waste someone.

It might be a dumb question, Females simply, please.?

I have notice that some months i'm either aggressive, other months i grasp teary-eyed.. and some months i'm doing just fine. the silly things hormones formulate you do..

Is this normal? i havent even have any fluids today?

Yes, right now!! I am on seasonel and its every three months so not that unpromising. You might want to try it.

I have to acquire a PAP smear done and it's my first one?

I usually want to kill everyone !! I find I'm better if I've be relatively stress free in the couple of weeks back and have be eating a flawless diet instead of rubbish !

Down there odour?

Diet Diet Diet - if you are chomping crisps, chocolate and not intake fresh fruit and veg on a daily cause you will get hellish period.

Invest in yourself and formulate sure you eat a moral diet, drink plenty of water, lay sour the caffeine and alcohol during that time of the month.

Evening Primrose and B group vitamin supplements may be helpful - start some form of fitness program - yoga, tai chi, gym, swimming etc.

Sore nipples?

Yeah I own months when I`m not too bad, after I have months when I swell up and my boobs are so sensitive and I feel really depressed and irritable.

Hiv cross-examine pls help me?

LOL i know what you niggardly... and when I get that route, I'm a black widow... i only wanna snuff guys lol.

I'm 16 years old.Virgin?

Try red raspberry palm leaf tea. It's supposed to help near the "female system." Also, I've hear that avoiding dairy while you're having your spell is a good thought, too. (I can't personally vouch for any of these suggestions, as I only basically heard around them myself, but I thought they were worth endorsement on, just surrounded by case they turn out to be the miracle cure for you!)

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