Ive missed my interval but dont think ive have sex?

My period is just about 20 days late, ( with the sole purpose had them 5 months, but enjoy been regular) i dont have an idea that ive had sex and am not the type of girl, but i be drunk one night and my friend said i be on the setee with a boy. I dont reflect we did anything but my mind is not at ease. ( i cant yak to anyon about this) thanx x

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The outstandingly first sign is testing positive on a pregnacy examination. Go buy yourself one. They are like 10 bucks, it should put your mind at take the edge off.

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um...you need to jump to the doctor right away,that is one sign of self pregnante

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Are you feeling green about the gills or are your breast sore? That is normally the first signs.

Period HELP!?

maybe you should jump get checked..that might sustain! you never know!

? muscle cramps,legs hurts to walk?

The biggest point is a missed period. Take a tryout, then you will know for sure. But more than promising your period is only just irregular because it hasn't been that long since you started.

And what are you doing getting drunk at 15?

Am I pregnant or do I hold some sort of medical problem?

go buy a test and pee on it, next you'll know you may have be raped

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Whatever happened to you be bad, but you cant shift the situation now. For confirmation whether you are pregnant or not progress in for a pregnancy gear and do it yourself. You can definitely avoid embarassments.

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At your age your period generally are not regular even so. And the whole statement more or less being drunk and you dont THINK you have sex...thats not too cool. Why dont you just ask the boy you be with if anything happen between you two!

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maybe ur goin' thru change but 2 be safe ask sum1 if u did a lil sumthing that nite close to ur friend or that guy u were wit ably my friend when she waz 12 she missed a period but she waz never that kindly of girl shes a really nice girl who probably wont have sex til shes married i kno i dont wanna hold sex b4 marriage so its ok u freshly skipped 4 sum reason

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Hey, I'm 15 too. I don't give attention to your pregnant because drunk or not I think you would know if you have sex with some guy, after ward. I mean, did you stir up with him subsequent to you? Did he say something more or less it the next year. Try to retract your night, ask around. Kind of resembling the movie "dude,where's my vehicle?" Ask people, your bound to find some clues to piece your hours of darkness together.
It could be the lack of iron surrounded by your body, and that is why you are missing your interval. Go to the doctor to make sure. Some signs of pregnancy are swollen foot, morning sickness, hard stomach, and stomach ache..but that usually doesn't show up until at least 3months. Hope that help and Good Luck.

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Go to the store and grab a home pregnancy check. I know it's kindof scary to do this, but it's WAY better than not knowing, right?

It's possible that since you're stressing out so much give or take a few it, your period is individual held back. There are moderately a few things that will alter the time you get your time, especially since you've only have it for less than a year

Good luck!

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I suggest you do a pregnancy test. This would be the one and only way to knwo for sure. Every woman is different when it comes to pregnancy. I didn't know I be pregnant until 3 months along because I still had a interval. My periods be always abnormal so I had no thought. Some women have no outward signs until further along too. I suggest you a moment ago test yourself and afterwards go from near.

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you're not the type of girl to have sex but you are the type of girl to win drunk. nice, real nice (sarcasm). progress buy a pregnancy test.

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Unless you get your time of year the only bearing to put your mind at ease is to be in motion and buy a pregnancy test. And for your adjectives party times please don't drink plenty to forget what you're doing. At the very least possible you and your girlfriends should have respectively others backs and examine out for each other. If your friend saw you on a couch drunk next to a guy she should step in.

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You are intensely young and you simply had your period for 5 months. This means your body hasn't get used to this news but and so it can happen that you miss your time of year. It can happen to girls approximately up to 17/18 years.

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well, since you've only have it 5 months, it's probably just irregular. But if you're really worried, buy a pregnancy tryout, and see if you actually are.

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go do a pregnancy exam...do it sooner rather than latter!!

if you leave it to long next if you want a abortion it will be to late!!

btw how the hell did you own sex on a setee without anyone notice!! lol your 15 surely someone would have said something as you clearly be out of it!! your friend doesnt sound resembling a true friend to me

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thats why you dont acquire drunk if you arent able to touch the risks...let me guess...you also vanished your drink out in the open when you go to the bathroom and started drinking it again..
one tip on safe drinking never EVER give up your drink unattended.even if u go to the bathroom TAKE THE DRINK WITH YOU
never adopt an open drink from someone if u must receive sure you pour it yourself...go capture tested for pregnancy and stds...as soon as possible

Plz help emergency?

Y'see beside you only have your periods for freshly 5 months they could take an irregular turn

do a pregnancy tryout, if you were pregnant it should show up by now

but it can pocket years to get regular period!!

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First off... you said you've have your period for lone about 5 months which ability that you are still in your first year. The first year or two of your time of year can be very irregular.. for example you can hold it for 5 months... skip 3 months... have it for 1 month skip 2 months, etc...

Secondly. at 15 you do not involve to be getting drunk. But that aside in order to put your mind at luxury, simply get a pregnancy trial to see if you are pregnant. There are usually women's clinics that are completely free and completely confidential. You can get pregnancy test, std testing, birth control, etc etc etc within.

Good Luck!

Is this normal?


How several days/weeks/months btween your first and second period?

well you can simply ahve an irregular flow despite the fact they own always be regular. i was 11 when i started and i skiped one straight away! afterwards i have be fairly regular and am immediately experiancing problems so many years subsequently!! i have no thought why apart from being pregnant! i be 3 weeks late closing month and 1 week this month! it happens sometimes! move about and buy a pregnancy test. i own done one for each of the end two months and they are sooooo easy!

but it mite not be the solely reason so carry that in mind! missing a time is fairly adjectives its called Amenorrhea and can be for lots of reason! try this website -

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ur probably not pregnant, ur periods are probably just irregular coz you've lone had them for 5 months, and anyway if you have sex you'd probably know about it, epecially if it be your first time. do a test anyway.

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1. Get a pregnancy test done
2. Don't get hold of so plastered that you don't know what you are doing - where's your self respect honey?
3. Ask your GP to check you for sexually transmitted diseases - he/she is not permitted to pass this information to anyone else.
4. If you are 15, anyone have sex with you is breaking the imperative

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I can epathise with you awareness anxious and overly worried about this situation and near is only one process to find out for sure and that is a pregnancy tryout. However, without thinking the worst, you worrying might be delay your period futher as ably as being irregular due to your age. Listen to your body, are your breasts sore or 'down nearby' achey and are you feeling sickly alot. But first step would be asking your friend and the boy in ask what really happened. Second straight to the doctors or chemist.

Good luck. I hope this have learnt you a few module about one in control of yourself. 15? shouldnt really be drinking anyway. mind and give yourself respect you do deserve it. If you wont make available it to yourself who else will? Neither your friend or the boy respected you because if they did they wouldnt have consent to it go that far when you be in that state.

Ruth x

Is this my spell???????

thats it scare the time out of her!! she has most proberbly get it in her come first now thats what happen.god the mentality of some people...

obtain to the docs straight away hun and get tested better to be protected than sorry take a friend you trust so you dont have a feeling alone
iregular periods can occur at anytime and due to the slightest things like a fine-tuning in exercise etc

worthy luck

no drinking next time your to young at heart hun

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