Losing cargo but boobs growing?

When my girlfriend and I started dating, she was a everyday 36B, she gained for a moment weight and get into a small C. Well, she started a push to lose the weight and have done well... (she have lost 30 lbs) I assumed her boobs would go down near her weight, but instead they look bigger. She immediately fills out the C cup fully. She is not on birth control (we are positive ourselves for marriage) so how can this happen? How can someone lose so much immensity , but their boobs get bigger? She is 21 years frail and really hoping she will not grow to a D.
How can this happen? Is she a short time ago still growing?

Bleeding from anal but had regular sex! why? please answers?

yes i cogitate your girlfriend must still be growing
i can really say though because you didnt mention how feeble she is...
hope this helps!

What foods are you irrelevant to eat during your time?

Maybe they look larger because she is getting smaller? Just a thought.

When is virginity lost? See details?

Who cares you lucky b**tard.

Skipping Period?

they can grow for a couple years still

This is a serious cross-question for females.. . .?

And you're complaining, why?

I've been have menstrual like cramps and clear liquid vaginal dishchargewhat is wrong? I'm not pregnant.

The hormones in the birth control pills. But...are you really complaining?

Masturbating more exciting?

Please ask her to practise Kapalbhati Pranayam.every day.

Only save on Exhaling through the nose. Do not move shoulders or go before. Do gently as you blow your proboscis.

While breathing out your belly will move in and out. This will give obedient exercise to internal organs such as pancreas, liver, kidney, gallbladder etc.

This breathing out exercise will improve circulatory system, will abet you to reduce curvy and cure diabetes.

Please help?

That happen to me too...

I dropped 62 lbs. and my boobs made a comeback. They are much more prominent, but I'm not complaining. I love them, they're my best assets..lol.

I can't explain why it happens, it only does.

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