Making ur boobs receive bigger?(GIRLS ONLY PLZ!)?

is it true that if u eat carrot and dont wear a bra 2 bed that ur boobs will get bigger? mine r kinda small and i be aware of odd around my friends cuz theirs r similar to a D and mine r a B. and i know its weird, but my departed breast is bigger than my right. is that irregular? i am a little concerned.

Period too long?

That sounds close to a good belief. idk, I wouldn't sleep at night next to my bra on anyway.

I hate fancy like i am wearing a diaper!!?

Time and counterweight will tell. Boobs arent everything hun.. believe me.

Mentrual Cycle Help [please].. Serious and ripened answers only.?

theres no concrete way to sort them bigger.
and no thats not irregular, its normal

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no it does not work you need to munch through carrots after sleep naked.

And breath deaply to and almanac to muscic whilt in bed.

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Sorry, but whoever told you that was full of it... And, no to be precise not irregular. Every woman has one breast explicitly slightly bigger than the other one.

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my right breast is larger than my gone, but you cant tell unless i speak something. ive learned over the years that you simply have to work near what the good lord give ya. there are plenty of bras and shirts that will tender the illusion of have larger breasts. and guys really dont care what size you are. they may read out to their friends that they like size "c", let say. but contained by all genuineness, they like anything they can get their hand on! be proud of who you are! good luck.

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I dont know about the carrot article..but small firm boobs are way nicer consequently big floppy ones.and the left tit is almost other bigger then the right!!

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Good Evening,
Oh sweet heart nono this is a wise fairy-tale..As far as your breast size go you are odiously still growing and the glands will even out in time. When you first start to develop this is markedly common..the average bra size of the American woman is roughly a 34B, but breasts come in a wide open variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes teens will gain shipment in the breast since the bum..or butt..But will lose it later when they become more helpful..No worries Hun.. You need to really become comfy beside your self..Many men believe it or not really do not like big boobs..Fun to look at but not to love..

Girl examine..?

I dont thin kthat will work but no its not irregular for your boobs to diverge sizes. Also just so you no sometimes have big boobs sucks because ull be talking to a boy and within stead of lookinga t your face near looking at your chest.


Girl yes that is completely regular. My left one is bigger than my right and its noticable. And in the region of the getting bigger thing.your breasts are made up of fatty tissue. The individual REAL way (without surgery that is) to gain breast size is to gain shipment. When you gain weight logically you gain fatty tissue which means your breasts will gain some of the fatty tissue. BUT..please lift this good direction from me...Im a 36DD!! I would love to have B breasts. Believe me you dont want your fund to hurt all the time from holding them up, and your shoulders will slaughter you, its hard to find cute bras human being so big, your breasts will start to sag quicker than smaller breasts relatives, you get stretch results on your breasts if they get too hulking (and you dont know it til its too late) also I have trouble beside my sturnum (spelling?) that little bone under your breasts contained by the middle. Being big breasted also means you can go and get those little cycts in your breasts from drinking too much caffeine. So...presently the question is spinal column on you. Is wanting big breasts worth all these ache and pains us poor women have to walk through?

I havent gotton my period nonetheless?

there is no specail way to product ur boobs get big, unless u gain plastic sugrey. i'm 11 and i wear a 34B. its not weird @ adjectives 4 one boob to be bigger than the other

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