Medicine/pills that receive you throwup?

i heard in the order of this stuff you get a drugstores and it make you throw up
i was wodnering
a. what is it? (whats it call, is it like a pill or solution?)
b. how does it make you throw up, and how long does it give somebody a lift?
c. is it dangerous? (im 15 if that cause any difference)
d. i heard that it hurts alot? resembling its a rough throwup?
idk. i just really obligation to throwup EVERYTHING that in me right in a minute, adn that stuff seems similar to the only channel to do it. because finger down the throat only get the surface *.
** i know it sounds like i enjoy an eating disorder, but to be exact not it. i just surface really gross and i need to cleans myself inside and throwuing up make me feel better. its NOT a routine merely a once in a while whenever i grain really crappy. it actually help.

and plz dont comment on health or intake disorders or whatever, cuz i dont own one. just curious just about the mediciation that makes you throw up.
gratitude :)

Vaginal dryness, no discharge or bad smell but cracked have a feeling, has gone on for years.?

Have you wondered why noone have answered your question? Because inducing nausea for no medical apology is totally wrong. You need to desire medical help ASAP if your have these problems.

Making yourself constantly throw up is not only impossible for your health, but can harmed your stomach lining and also your throat. When you throw up your stomach sharp comes up with it and can verbs all these lining. If you think you NEED these types of medicine, then you should be seeking support from a medical professional. Not on YA.

The medicine and condition information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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