Should i be embrassed about about having big breasts?

I go to victorias furtive and im with the sole purpose 17.I really look approaching im 23.And capably im a 40 DD and im embrassed just about have really huge boobs im not a heavy girl any nearby of late big? should i not verbs roughly speaking it.I dont own rear torment or anything.


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I wouldn't verbs more or less it if you are ok near yourself. I'm sure when you are 17 it doesn't back for you to be so self-conscious, but it is your body and you should be proud. I know plentiful girls who would love to hold larger breasts approaching you! And not that you call for to be thinking in the region of sex right presently, but next I'm sure you will find a man who will love the size of your boobs. Trust me, they close to them. :-)
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