Is this what a hot flash feels resembling?

Getting this random prickly-warm attitude down the back of my d??colletage, then discern sort of hot/chilled, and either it make me nervous and my heart race, or my heart races due to this unnatural feeling.
It last about 10-15 minutes, and hits 4-6 times a hours of daylight. I don't sweat and I took my temperature during one and it be normal.

I'm 40 and just now started on all kind of natural hormones, so I'm wondering if this is my body a short time ago settling into the new hormones or what. Thanks

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You described my hot flashes of menopause to a nouns. That is exactly what mine were similar to.

How long is a predi sposed to last?

my mom decribed those same symptoms to me when she go through very usual at your age and probably with the crude hormones you are taking may cause that too.

Do you prever..?

you and me are surrounded by the same boat sister! lol and i deduce the hotflashes feel "clammy" thats the agency my grandma used to describe it and ykno....she was right lol

I'm 1 month and 1 hours of daylight late on my term?

I went through impossible to tell apart thing! The doctor said I be going through pre-menopause. I was introduced to an incredible product - MonaVie. Within 3 days of drinking this 100% vigour juice, I haven't experienced a hot flash since! I want to report to all women almost it!

If you are interested in learning more going on for this product, please see my site and read my story. or

I'd be more than happy to bring back you a bottle at a discounted price if you are interested in trying it. Just email me at [email protected] and I can send you more information

I'm sold on it and I hope you bear me up on my offer.

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