Mentrual Cycle Help [please].. Serious and mature answers simply.?

I'm 15 and two months, and I haven't started my period on the other hand.
Well yesterday I had some discharge that be bloody, so I assumed I had started my extent.
There wasn't much, and then it stopped.
That's it.
That couldn't possibly be it, right?
My friend said that this is commonplace, and something of the same sorts happen to her, and then she started two months following.

My mom said I just might enjoy a light flow.. but it couldn't be that flimsy, right?
It was only the amount of putting your thumb and index finger together to form a circle. Maybe smaller.

If that WAS it, could that affect my ability to enjoy kids?
Not that I was planning on it soon, but when I find older I want to own two or three children.
Can I have some direction?
Was my friend's advice correct?

What is wrong next to me?!!!! Please only girls.?

without a flaw normal-may take 6 months to capture a regular cycle-this will no way affect you have children in the adjectives.xx

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Spotting is commonplace, especially the first few cycles. You should have a stable flow guide in more or less 3-6 months.

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no you are fine. you haven't actuly started yet. it's basically your body's way of recounting you to stock up on midol and tampons(or pads). you should start in more or less a month or so.

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what happen was only just a sign that your period will most promising start within the subsequent several months (unless your vagina was penetrated next to any object prior to the bleeding, which could indicate a small slit in the vaginal wall.) that wasn't your first extent... just a "head up" from your body that it is almost time.

no, its normal. that contained by and of itself doesn't indicate your ability to own children later on.

you're lucky that you've have so long before you started!! i be only 11! shoot! if truth be told, women who start their periods between 14-17 or even 18 tend to own healthier, more regular cycles, and within most cases are actually more fertile.

don't stress hun, you'll be adjectives right. feel free to email me if you have need of to.

Any idea's?

That is what happen to me when I got my term. I can't say for sure within your case that it's impeccably normal. It be for me and the next month my flow get heavier and heavier with respectively month. If you are still concerned, make an appointment to jump to a gynocologist for some expert advice.

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Yes, it be your period. Some girls own very short and exceedingly light first period. It's normal.

Your period will straighten themselves out as you have them as you get hold of older.
No, it won't effect your power to have kids. Your body should straighten itself out. This be only the first (of many) period.

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this is positively normal when your length first starts. Did you have sex at adjectives? because sometimes after the first time you have sex you can bleed a moment or two. but if you didnt it could just be your time starting, and no it won't affect your ability to hold children later within life. within a few years you'll be wishing your time of year were that small.

Embarassed. girls minister to. =/?

Yeah, dont worry in the order of it... be greatful you dont have a lashing flow yet. ... but it will come... i be really light for the first year.. some months it didnt even come... so dont verbs about it... it will procure heavier and more regular.

Tampon help!!?

I believe your friend and your mother are both probably right. This may have be a light time because your body is just naissance to have cycles.

As far as affecting your means to have kids, nearby's no reason at your age to chew over that a light length might indicate a reproductive problem.

My menstrual cycle is still irregular and I am 25 years old. My reproductive system is fine.

Everyone's time of year is different and yours is just coming in its own track. Now you're stuck with it until menopause, savour ;)

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Yeah, no reason to frenzy. You're spotting. Your hormones are going to be going completely bezerk for a while, so get used to irregular, standard lamp, and super heavy period. Things will settle down in a few years. But for now, you are potential to spot here and there until you win your first actual period (it shouldn't be long now). You'll know it when it happen. Don't worry going on for your ability to hold kids, assume that you can and stick to that.

If you have more pressing question speak with your gynecologist. But for immediately, assume that you are healthy. Once you start getting your time of year, you could consider a mini pill (progestin only I believe) to regulate your time, to keep it regular and constant within volume.

Good luck, and congrats on becoming a woman!

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Yes that could own been it or you might be one of those lucky ones resembling me who gets a "Warning" when her interval is about to start. A little spotting for sometime then a daytime or two later the heavier flow starts. Women jump through cycles of heavier & lighter flows at different ages. So don't worry . I would a moment ago chalk this one up to a "Practice run". I didn't start until I was 16 & 1/2. I wasn't thoroughly regular until about 18, Then it have been resembling clockwork.

Can someone help beside this whole ovulation item?

Most girls get their period at age 12-13, but not every girl is the same. Some girls newly take longer for their hormones to counter. I had a similar entry happen to me near my period, though it did start spinal column when I was around 13-14. I have about like amount of blood come out as you did, and it was single once for one day. A couple months next on I got my term.

I'm not sure if a period could ever be that frothy. But if your period be light surrounded by general, it shouldn't affect have children. If you're getting your period, it way your endometrium is indeed there and building up to prepare for the egg, which is what you requirement for the fertilized egg to attach to.

I'd wait it out and see if you don't take it in the subsequent month or so.

Check out this site though:

What should I do.Please help!?

Dont verbs some people dont carry periods until slow, at 16 if they are still next to nil, move about to the doctor could be a slight hormone thing.
IT wont affect have kids. Be glad actually I get mine at 10. That's no fun!

Question following the dark brown discharge?

It can whip months or even years for your body to regulate itself. You may have really wishy-washy, really heavy ones or even skip period for months at a time. I wouldn't worry around it too much. If it makes you perceive better, keep track of your cycles on a calendar. Your mom can bring back a small menstrual calendar from her doc - you mark which days you enjoy your period and how thickset they are. You'll be able to see the change in your body. It will also be constructive for the doctor to have when you dance to your first visit.

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