Accidental Pregnancies?

I asked a question close to this one many months ago, relatives were unrealistic then, basically wondering if they are now?
Accidental pregnancies?
Ive have an active sex natural life for years and always be safe and that`s why no child has resulted contained by my good times, so accordingly I strongly believe theyre is no such thing as accident of this kind - in attendance are 18 forms of contraception
one night stand - pilfer the morning after pill
couples - you lot really dont have any excauses when theyre so copious to choose from
am I still the only one who think like this?

Feeling sick?

Well I'm glad that contraception have always worked for you. Not everyone is so lucky.

A few years ago I get pregnant while on birth control pills. I took it everyday, the same time everyday. I be not on medication.

Do I have an excuse for an fluky pregnancy?

Yes, you're the only one I've ever hear of that thinks that contraception is 100% forceful. Not even the science nor the stats back you up.

NOTE: First pregnancy happen in 3rd year university surrounded by health related pen. Come from upper middle class family, both parents university literary. As well, I'm Canadian and own "free" health contemplation. I doubt I got pregnant for deficit of education, money or form care services.

My vigina swollen on one side?

No, you arent. Keep in mind though, some folks lack the instruction. Most people dont know how items similar to the sponge, contraceptive film, gel, foam, and feminine condom work. These people dont hold access to health thought and even if they do, they are embarassed to ask. There are things like vocalizations barriers, age, socioeconomic backround and religion to thieve into consideration.

I, personally, occur to agree with you, but it's not nice to return with up on a "high horse"...things come to pass sometimes.

Does anyone else take prometrium for controlling their period?

For an educated human being yes, unfortunately here are to many society who don't tell their kids anything just about contraceptives and even block them from learning nearly it in academy.

They tell respectively other things like "you can't acquire pregnant the first time" or "if you have sex surrounded by the shower you won't get pregnant" The account goes on.

Then here might be an occasional case of condom breakage that the man doesn't mention, but I suggest that would be rare.

Small lesion thingHELP! I'M FREAKING OUT!!?

mm- okay i had one..
beside a partner - can't take pill due to medical reason, but used condoms..

guess what - fell pregnant - lost it was welll.
How - the factory owner recalled the brand we be using due to faulty production - SO yes - Accidents do come to pass..

And sorry - not naive..

MM- ok - as per below comment re me mortal naive..
Well - when you can't use any other method since history of PID and migrianes - some things are difficult - Including age - so can't return with tubes tied (which isn't always 100%) and so isn't have a guy fixed (not always 100%)..
So when you use condoms - as lone method offered to you - which has a spermicide within it - and it fails (especailly since be recalled from Well set manufacturer) IT makes it frozen..
SO sorry to take offense - but not credulous..

Some people aren't allowed the odds to have uterus removed if considered by specialist to be of "child good posture age"

Alesse Birth control: Good or bad?

Um...not to be lewd, but you seem to be the trusting one! Condoms CAN have holes that budge unnoticed, especially in absolute countries were the level is poor.
No hormonal form of contraceptive is 100% effective even when taken properly.
Vasectomies dont other work and I know of several women who have get pregnant after tying their fallopian tubes.
So, no I dont agree.

Does birth control really clear up acne?

Even sterilisation is not 100% guaranteed, so yes you can have inadvertent pregnancies. Alot of people who own "accidental pregnancies" though probably use no contraceptives at adjectives, which is then not an catastrophe !

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