I need your inference?! (Depo-Provera)?

I had my first child Jan. 27, 2007. I get my first Depo-Provera shot on March 20, 2007 at my 6 weeks checkup.

I have other been a moody character the week before my interval (before I got pregnant) and relatively calm and adjectives during. Now that I've gotten the Depo, I've had my extent for 2 weeks (and counting) and I've been moody the ENTIRE TIME! Before my time lasted 3-5 days tops. My fiance can't stand to be around me, I get hold of upset over the stupidest little things, and it's just effecting me horribly. I know it's one of the side effects and so is a longer term before it in reality stops it...but I don't like it. I didn't reflect on my mood would get worse.

My Dr. told me to linger until I get the second shot within June, because for the first 3 months I am just adjust to it mentally, emotionally, and hormonally. But, I'm thinking about switching to the pill, or some other form of BC since then. I don't resembling the way Depo have affected me.

Any suggestions? Suggestions on a bright BC?

Endo options?

I took the Depo shot for several years and I would NEVER recommend it to anyone!! I gain alot of weight and have terrible mood swings especially a few weeks beforehand I was supposed to draw from the next shot. I have some spotting when I started the shots and then my period stopped completely. However, that didn't help me any when I stopped them years following because I had a solid length for 3 months! Awful!
I would recommend another form of BC, there are so masses different types of pills out there.
After I have my children it took a couple of months to figure out which pill be best for me (because some of them can cause moodiness too), but it is wonderful when you find one that will work for you.

Why Do They Call It Bl*w J*b-You Never Blow?

I am on Depo as well. My moods are JUST approaching yours...all over the place. I am within the middle of my 3rd shot and have be having a spell for the last 3 weeks! I call my Dr. and she put me on Ortho-Tricyclen Lo (birth control pills) to increase my estrogen levels and "even out" my hormones and stop the bleeding. Needless to right to be heard, I'll no longer be getting shots, and I pray both my moods and the periods stop! Good luck girl! Just know you are not alone!


i suppose depo is the worst birth control you could possible take, it have a horrible side effect of causing low bone density and can even head you to osteoporosis, as well as blood clots, for me, i be extremely irritable and my hair used to falll out within handfuls, i dont think the is the best route for your body or your relationships, try something next to lower hormones, like ortho tri-cyclen lo, the moodiness should lessen

Breast decrease?

depo does big changes! believe i've be on it for a while now (a little over 2 years) and i come across to be moody all morning, everyday now. the benefit of depo is that you wont bring back your period while youre on it (after roughly the 3rd shot) but it screws around next to your emotions and hormones alot. dont achieve me wrong it works great but the side effects suck!!

Is sex for the first time supposed to be painful or is here supposed to be blood?

I had HORRIBLE mood swings on depo provera. I also have weight gain and spotted at eccentric times.

I would seriously get OFF the depo shot. TOO masses negatives and lone one positive.

I was on Depo for four years and am glad I am stale of it.

I am on Kariva (pill) now and much happier.


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