Has anyone had ovarian cysts? How be they treated?

I am having an ultrasound this week to check for them and wondered around how they are eliminated. Thanks.

About A Boy.?

Hi, I have an ovarian cyst which was discovered when I be 15. I had to enjoy it removed along with one tube. I later went on to hold a healthy little boy, so it is not adjectives doom and gloom. I come up with that the decision to operate depends on affliction it is causing and size but I do not muse there is any other road of removing them other than a operation. Good luck, hope it adjectives works out ok for you

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i own, on my first pregnancy scan i had one on my ovary but by the subsequent 20 week scan it had gone

A interrogate about the pill?

here are lots of things that could be done not one thing might be sufficient lurk for the doctor to diagnose you before you madness

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The ultrasound is worse than the cysts. You enjoy to drink 32 ounces of clear fluid and then when your hindmost teeth are floating, they put some gel on your tummy and mash around. Mine fortunately dissolved on their own. If they are roomy or suspicious they surgically remove them. Good luck!

Girls only please!?

hello! i enjoy just posted something like cysts. i got diagnosed beside a cyst on my ovaries about a month ago! i am lone 19 years old and be having trouble near my tummy for years now and lone now own they relised it was a cyst! it have grown 11cm long! fortunatly it burst, caused alot of anguish, what they were goig todo to me ( and might still) is put 2 holes within my stomach and suck it out,

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I have an ovarian cyst and major fibroids surrounded by my uterus which left me surrounded by constant pain and stout periods. I have a hysterectomy 7 years ago and it was the best entity I could have done. I figure I was done have babies and didn't need those "parts" anymore. I have my appendix out at the same time but they disappeared me one ovary so I don't have to transport hormones.

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it depends on how big they area and whether or not they are twisted (not trying to freak you out) my friend have had various ovarian cysts which she needed scans for and at respectively scan the gynae' would measure them and see where on earth they were exactly, and consequently just distribute her home....she had one that be twisted once, and they asked her to go spinal column after a week to check on it, their worry be that it could burst, but it un-twisted by itself. if there is anything more wrong next to it then they will remove it surgically, but dont verbs, and i hope this hasnt freaked you out....good luck

LoEstrin 24 and headache?

most will burst on their own. Unless one is really large, you'll never know.
Should one grow too generous and not burst, it will be removed through keyhole surgery.

I have stretch results on my?

They are dealth with by surgery. It is minor surgery and you will consistency better when you are done.

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