26 yr old wife have mild lower right abdomen strain for 3+ mo. It's not UTI or appendix. What else could it be?

She's been on birthcontrol for a few years. She be checked by a Dr. for UTI and appendix, and it is neither. She has an ultrasound programmed in a few weeks. The spasm is not there within mornings and increases in the evenings do a dull annoying sensation. The Dr. didn't feel anything on the ovary but we be told it doesn't mean it's not a cyst. Could it be endo, or a cyst? The stomach-ache is close to the right hipbone.

Is a woman only going on for sex?

Liver and Gallbladder are mostly in the Right Upper Quadrants not Right Lower, you should not rule out appendicits. Definitely, find her off the birth control and it can probably be kidney stones, ovarian cyst or I don`t know even cancer. You have to consider adjectives the possibilities that can occur from right lower belly pain.

Girl trouble?

have her rota another appointment with the doctor for further conducting tests. this cannot be diagnosed online.

I never ? :[?

anxiety or stress. It seems to me she should relax more, if the aching sensation occur within the evenings.

Why are my boobs sore to touch?

check the liver

Regarding pap test! please assistance?

it could be her gallbladder. get the doctor to look at it.

Weird time of year?

did doc check her gall bladder? my sister have to haver hers out about that age

Oral sex Question?

I could be copious things, if your regular doctor is not sure go see another doctor. The best article for her is to see another doctor ASAP.

What does it mean when you hold stomach pains straight after sex?

It could be either of the two that you mentioned. Most expected a cyst and if it is there isn't deeply that they can do. If it is endrometriosis they can do surgery to remove some of it depending on where it is and how much. If she doesn't enjoy children yet or does and wishes more be very terribly careful because anytime the budge in and mess next to female organs fertility rate go down. Good luck

I've just started using tampons and I've hear that if there contained by wrong you'd feel it.?

You should seriously win it checked out pronto. It could also be hernia. (I don't think I spelled it correctly.)

Is it ok to own a little discharge?

It could be one of the two things you mentioned or copious other things. Here is a symtom checker that you can copy and paste. You are probably going to merely have to keep on for the doc though.

Question about extent?

If there is a heavier than mundane blood flow, go to your ob-gyn and hold a blood pregnancy test run. I had an ectopic pregnancy beside a lot of cramp in my right side. Drs. can do excellent work nowdays if it is anything similar to a tubal pregnancy. Say prayers and remember to go to that appointment.

PCOS. Help.?

I have this same problem and doctors couldn't figure it out for almost 4 years. I get ultrasounds, MRI, but nothing. I have 2 ER trips and the last one FINALLY told me that the cramp were cysts that kept bursting, and the fluid inside the cyst get trapped in my hip bone. The hip bone creates almost close to a sling of some sort, and holds the fluid. The irritation from the fluid on the bone causes discomfort/pain. If she is on birth control, she might want to check into Yasmin BC, because the hormone level in that birth control sustain prevent the cysts. Hormone level fluctuations be the culprit in my satchel. I hope your wife feels better

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