Should i be worried if my period is 2 days behind time ... at least i muse it is?

my period is 2 days delayed but im not sure it is because how the numbers in the months are fluctuating .. but in grip i am i took 2 preg test and they be both negative .. i hold an underactive thyroid buy my period have been common almost all the time should i be worried

Is within a place where you can talk/ask roughly sexual topics?

It's too early for HPT--you will other test positive when you're conducting tests too early.

It could be stress, a medical disorder, a cyst, etc. It's more than in recent times pregnancy.

Does vaginal discharge increase due to sex?

Two days?

Psh that's nothing.

If it's over five days behind time, then you should start to verbs.

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So plentiful questions resembling this...

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i can't find my question dot... and you think you get problems...

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No, dont verbs until its a week (7 days) late...

What brand of tampons do you use?

Don't verbs. Two preg tests are ample to reassure you. I doubt you are but, if you are, please tell me I'm not the father.

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No, 2 days is nothing. If you jump as long as a week, then you should start to verbs. Mine fluctuates between every 25 days to every 30 days.

PLEASE help me?

no dont be worried. i would utter be worried if it was a week behind but two days is nothing. its common. periods arent usually approaching strict clockwork.
in the adjectives, to avoid wondering if youre late, of late keep for a time calendar and mark when you start your time of year each month and when you expiration, that way you can purely looks at it and be able to relate if somethin unusual is going on.

Irregular Period- really light?

i wouldn't be worried around 2 days and if the tests said your negetive i wouldn't verbs for at least a week

HPV, again?

I wouldn't be worried. Sometimes things as simple as an increase in stress and each day activities can throw things a touch off. And two pregnancy test can't be wrong. If you feel worried, homily to your doctor. You'll be just fine! :)

Is it discouraging to where a bra when you sleep?

No, you should not be worried. I hold known girls to be 5 days behind time. And if the test say "No" then I'd unquestionably not worry.

As politically correct as I can ask?

Don't verbs, you're probably fine. I've been two months belatedly already. If you're young, (under 20) it's probably only your body getting itself on a proper schedule.

Especially if the pregnancy test are negative, the likelihood of you being pregnant after two tries is greatly unlikely. (Two tries of testing yourself, i.e..)

If you're more than a week late, ask your mother or an elder sister for advice. Then probably go see your doctor. Good luck!

Question around an IUD?

With 2 negative test, I wouldnt be super concerned just nonetheless...

Will I continue to grow taller?

no not at all even when you are on a regular shape you can have times when your time comes late 2 days is zilch form when you have your extent 28 days later you should hold another one but it doesn't always come on the dot its easy to plot on a calender or diary nearby is nothing to verbs about its everyday

The pill and condoms?

its wayy to early and after 5-6 days(only if you are sexually active) should you start to verbs

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