Bloody discharge?

I came rotten my period roughly speaking two weeks ago but when i woke up this morning there be a little bit of dim bloody discharge mixed with clear discharge.. near is no pain or discomfort but i be just wondering whats going on...p.s. i am not sexually moving so i know it has nil to do with pregnancy

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Sometimes after you've come past its sell-by date, you still get that tiny little bit after ward...but for it to be two weeks later is a tad unusual.
I only just went to the doctors next to the same problem and have to get tested for chlamydia...lukily the results be negative but if i be you i'd get checked out.
If you're on the pill after your body might just be sensitive beside it but as you're not sexually busy, so i'm sure its nothing approaching that.
Either way i'd dance to the doctor.

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it is the old blood vanished from your last interval

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It could own been a cyst on your ovary that drained.

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Sorry. My best suggestion is to travel see the doctor. I reccomend the first appointment possible. Bloody discharge is never a good article. However, are you sure you aren't just starting again?

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its probubly just the blood from your prehistoric period mixed near the yolk of the egg thats ovulating right now. no worrys in recent times put like a really small tampon contained by get adjectives the blood out and u'll be fine

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Sometimes at ovulation, which would be give or take a few now if your time between period is about 4 weeks, near is a little spotty discharge. Nothing to really verbs about, but lately to be sure, talk next to your dr. next time you see her.

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maybe its simply an after effect after your period. if it stop consequently comes back after your subsequent period its that. but save talk to a doctor

Period is coming or is it something else?

i other get this bloody discharge too. my doc said it be normal. so don't verbs

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