Can a patient's "natural" (drug-free) estrogen and progestrin level be measured to target what's needed?

... meaning... can a clinician method the "natural state" of a forgiving, gather what the merciful's birth control goal is (duration of time, frequency, weight, other strength details), AND then know how to somewhat accurately target what amounts of estrogen and progestrin levels are needed. right down to even if the pills (yes, solely considering pills here) should be monophasic, biphasic, triphasic... ? Or would that be too expensive to do for a month/need to be done too many times a month/for several months... newly isn't done? ...Or do clinicians just come across to pick what to prescribe with loose guidelines, see what happen, and go from in attendance? seriously...

I mean... you can purloin blood tests for thyroid level... why not female horomones? wouldn't that be more accurate? operation with the side effects afterwards if/as they come (moody, counterweight gain, whatever)?

Thank you for all you consideration and time

Who have had a c cubicle? what was it similar to?

Unfortunately, the range of "normal" level of estrogen varies widely plenty that it is almost impossible to say whether a woman's level are "abnormal" or not. The amount of progesterone varies by an immense amount between mundane cycles and pregnancy, so again, the term "normal" have little meaning.

Although doses oscillate slightly between oral contraceptives, most fall into nonspecific categories that differ really little between them except for some side effects and idiosyncratic effects.

As such, within can be very little to guide a doctor to recommend one oral contraceptive over another. In reality, when it comes to effectiveness, they are adjectives essentially identical--they are all more than 99% effective, regardless of what your "normal" hormone level are.

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