Painful intercourse?

everytime my other and i have intercourse it is extremely throbbing, does anyone know what this could possibly be? ive tried everything possible and its always totally painful. i know its not an std or anything close to that because i was of late checked and have not changed partner, ive discussed this with my doctor and she simply said to use more lubrication, but this have not helped

How long should you wait once you start using birth control to hold sex and it work as well as possible?

May be psychological factor not physiological factors are cause such pain. So locate what are those factor. Be relaxed during intercourse, when you keep your mind relaxed and enjoy the course then your body muscles are also relaxed, making the intercourse graceful and less painfull.

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Vaginosis or allergy to condoms. Change brands

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Why dont you and your partner do some foreplay before have sex, like he fingers you and plays around next to your genital area. it will turn you on and get you alot more wet therefor it can be easier and smaller number painfull for you.

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does your doctor check you for infections like yeast? i have painful intercouse for few months and when i get my pap smear my doctor also saw that i got yeast infection..after my medication (vaginal tablets), the twinge is gone. it think it might be one of the cause of that. also psychological, and stress maybe.

My peroid hasnt come on in a month after i loss consignment and i have to pee alot..what is wrong beside me?

PRAY, RELAXED before anything you do.
used more lubricants. try KY-jelly.

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