Sweating? how come i go and get wet spts beneath my armpits?

is there any style to prevent this?
new deoderant?

Ovarian cancer or pelvic dull pain?

try the new dove deoderamt. i don't sweat profoundly, but i like how it smells. the medicated one is great. and it doesn't clump, any. :]

White milky discharge <vaginal>?

cause you are a big sweater i guess!

Alli during early pregnancy?

try different deoderants

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I use guys deoderant. It smells better, in my view, and has tronger protection.

Can someone plz explain?

because it is call sweating and it is caused by your sweat glans, from your underneath pits, and that is what deodorant is for, and if it doesn't work ask ur doctor of what can work for u!

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dont verbs. its just sweat and everybody sweats. i sweat very doomed to failure and i will have HUGE drizzling spots on my shirt and it is very embarassing. try using the clincal strength deoderant. i used that and i am much better presently. good luck.

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try certain dri. i used to sweat excessively and i tried almost adjectives deodorants on the market until i found particular dri. u jus apply it at night and it doesnt clear up off the subsequent day, and u dnt hav to use any deodorant for up to 72hrs after that. u dnt smell at adjectives an u dnt sweat either. trust me its pious

Am I the only one have trouble controlling my period?Someone minister to me, I'm feeling moved out out here!?

hey ,
have you hear about that site call stop sweating and start living , they offer a book that carry the same title, i bought that book some time ago and my sweating problems own gone for good, here is the join to it http://stop-sweating.co.nr , hope it helps.

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