Help! ovary pains!!?

ok well for a long time now i own been having troubles beside cramps...but ohhh for about 6 months now ive have these continuous pains in my left ovary everyday, even when im not on my cycle...i go to the doc to see what was wrong, she thought i might have an ovarian afterwards i got a ultra sound programmed, b4 the apointment i felt this really bad pop! it burned and it hurt really desperate...then when i went to the apointment, they found that it be normal...but now im have MORE pain in the gone ovary, it hurts soo bad! it hurts worse now, im soo frustrated next to it! the doc put me on birth control, but the pain is just getting worse! what could be wrong!! it hurts to sit up, but it hurts to lay down too...its similar to a stabbing pain that starts out dull then really sharp! i dont know what could be wrong.ive cried and cried end in this pain hurts so much and i just necessitate some kind of idea on what it might be

Answers:    it really sounds close to you have an ovarian cyst. I have one and I entail to have it surgically removed because it causes me aching and won't go away on it's own, like most cysts. Perhaps it's time to ask for a second feelings. Either way you need to discuss your symptoms beside the doctor and let them know that this has be going on for awhile, and you want answers now..
yea i know what you mean i enjoy that same problem i went to the doctor like 6 times and they other said it was normal approaching you i cried it was so painful until i get feed up with that doctor and go to another
doctor and yes it was a cycst so go to another doctorfor me i have to travel to mexico and as soon as the gynocoligist saw my ultrasound she she told me it was and im know in treatment for it if the doctor cant find anything wrong you should dance to a stomach doctor. i was having really bleak stomach problrms and finally went to a specialist. they found out i had resembling chronic appendicitis for two years. .
This sounds like what I had when i be 16. I had an ovarian cyst that actually terminated up rupturing. I was bed ridden, was powerless to move it hurt so bad. I got rushed to the ER and the GYN within said he couldnt find anything with any of my tests. He afterwards decided to do a diagnostic laboroscopy..went contained by surgically. When they opened me up (four little inscisions, nothing big), they found my cyst be ruptured and caught between the fallopian tubes, ovary and uteris. Very painful. They sucked it out and also cleaned up my ovaries of cysts and then i be pain free. i was after put on birth control to keep it from happening again. Good luck beside it but I would call your doctor and mention this and see if it answers the issue.

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