White milky discharge <vaginal>?

any1 know what this could b? for a long time now i've noticed this and i thought it be ok but it actually grosses me out when i enjoy sex or insert a vibrator/dildo after awhile it gets filmy i've also notice sometimes if i use my finger it feels gooey it doesnt really have an odor i guess it sort of does sometimes...similar to ew this is beyond sick but mashed potatoes? and i've also notice this on my undies sometimes. i can't figure it out what is going on? is near any way to acquire rid of it? and to clear a question nope no itchyness and it doesnt arise after or before my term its everyday

I have be having strain in the vagina and also burning.?

It's middle-of-the-road. Girls usually start producing this a year or two before they bring back their first period. It's expected to keep your vagina moist and showery incase a man tries to have sex near you(if you were dry you could be seriously injured), and if you bring back turned on you instantly start making a lot more of it. Also, when you're ovulating you be paid a lot more of it, although it usually more clear when you're ovulating. It's totally average, and guys seem to love it. If it's lately creamy white, and not chunky white, and doesn't smell, you don't have anything to verbs about

you can read more about it here http://www.fertilinet.com/cervical%20flu... It's cervical mucus, you produce it to one degree or another at anytime you're not on your time.

Why has my sex drive go down?

A milky white discharge is usually normal. It represents cervical and vaginal secretion that contain old vaginal wall cell (epithelium). As long as there is no vulvar burning/itching, this does not represent a symptomatic yeast infection. .


Nope. We adjectives have it. However, you will make out that it changes each day. Make sure you wash your sex toys everytime you use them--if you are sharing them next to a partner, I would use a condom on them and make sure you are using a condom.

If you really get the impression like it's excessive, ask your doctor. Also, thi mostly doesn't denote a yeast infection, but treat yourself (Monistat has a single dose method) and see if that help.

Good Luck.

Have any other women out there feel this before and know what it is?

This is middle-of-the-road. I have it too.. it change with your cycle---sometimes it's not near, sometimes it's really there lol. When this first started going on I was freakign out and go to 3 different gynecologists because I was convinced I have a yeast infection. All 3 of them told me it's in my head and that it is totally run of the mill that almost all females hold some sort of discharge. I finally accepted it =) It's not really that gross... I deduce it protects your vaginal aura or whatever lol

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