What should I do?

I've been seeing this guy sour and on for 4 years,and out of the blue the other day he told me I be Fat,well it hurt my sensations so that I have started taking diet pills,and measure my food by measuring cups.I'm 35 yrs.behind the times and I weigh 170lbs. and I'm 5'6,do you think I'm podgy?

Answers:    Don't let someone else affect you close to that! There is a reason it be off and on. Leave him.

I am deeply close to your size, and my husband loves it! More importantly, I am content. Yeah, I would like to lose a few pounds, but not adequate to give up my chocolate.
What WE deliberate or HE thinks is irrelevant. You should dais it on your overall health. Are you involved? Do you eat very well? Do you exercise? Does your DOCTOR say you should be concerned?

If YOU have a feeling there's a problem, then the first place you should move about is to a doctor's office or a dietitian.
The subsequent thing you should do is see that guy's foul, worthless, arrogant, (a)$$ to the curb.
no offence but the guy clearly isnt worth it if he can turn round and hail as you fat. you indeed arnt fat, and you shouldnt be getting so concerned around yourself after wot a guy has said to you if you havent be concerned about it back. he sounds like a contract. no! if you are happy beside yourself and comfortable in your body and stout then that's adjectives that matters. relations are rude and inconsiderate. try and forget what he said to you and live for yourself and not him. if he doesn't like you or love you the road you are then he isn't worth your time. I'm 5'6" too and I'm on the sturdy side now at 190 (i just now had a baby) and I'm slowly but surely trying to work my instrument back down to 170. I be happy next to the way I looked at 170. only eat well if you are concerned about it, but don't fixate about it. I'm sure you look fine. = )
Definitely not! And if at 35 you are still intimidated by these comments consequently you have a poor self print. I am 5'8" and my goal solidity is 170.I was a terrifically lean size 10 and looked smoking hot! Tell him if he thinks you are stout, he can go find a skinny girl to gross him happy. There are too frequent men out there that love some meat on a woman and would be adjectives over you, girl! As my hubby says, "Meat is for men, bones are for dogs!" Gotta love that man!

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