Ball of flesh or skin hanging contained by vagina?

a recently have a baby three months ago, my body is different very soon as I would guess after a baby, but presently there is resembling a piece of skin or flesh ball lifeless out of my vagina, it doesnt hurt and I know it wasnt like this in the past, what is it and what caused it

How do women pee? what is the bottom entry call?

It could be a prolapsed vagina. I own the same entity. It started out small and then started getting lower and lower.
Check this out and it may merely be the words you're looking for. I came across the proper occupancy a very long time after I have my kids. Even while I was pregnant and even at my pap smears, they never told me it be not right, and they never told me what it was.

Is this middle-of-the-road? GIRLZ ONLY! no boyz pleaz?

ask your OB.

Just got rotten the shot.?

honey its suppose to b there. should of be there b4 u may not own noticed it is adjectives.

PMS question?

Go see your doctor and consent to them exam you. I am not sure about that one.

Any women out nearby try to pee in to a mens urinals a short time ago asking brcause im a lady jantior and when i verbs th

not to sure you may want to go see the doctor

Can your length leak surrounded by the shower?

They probably threw in a couple of stitches to tighten you final up, but did a lousy job, creating a flap.

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i don't know I would go see a gyno or the Dr. that deliver your children. she would probably know. maybe you tore something when you give birth? also if it doesn't hurt I am sure its just fine.

Swollen tum,fluid retention?

Did you see a doctor?

If not do so!

I mull over that would have be your first thought?

Nursing After Nipple Piercing?

You need to see your gynocologist or midwife. You own to make sure the uterus is not prolapsed down your vagina. From how you are describing it, I would estimate this is a possibility. Especially since you had a infant recently. Please turn get checked.

What munificent of birth control should i get?

if it does not hurt , you can foget that, that happen guring delivary a tag of skin hang arround there.can be surgicaly removed it hurts.

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