How can I ask?

how can I ask my doctor about switching to tampons and what her opion is on it and in the region of TSS? I'm afaird to ask her...what is a less degrading way a bit than straight out asking? I can't ask my mom and I promised I would ask my doctor ( I don't break promises)

Can anyone recommend a good oral contraceptive pill that have no side effects?

You promised who? You cannot ask your mother, but you can ask a bunch of strangers here on Y!A?

What is a easy exersice you can do at home?

why ask read the box

My girlfirend wants to do kegel excercises, how to do it?

Just ask her! Doctors have to do adjectives sorts of stuff worse than that. Just ask her about TSS and consequently ask her about tampons. It's not a big concordat. And you're very lucky to enjoy a female doctor.

What is this Women Only?

Tampons are undisruptive as long as you change them normally and keep yourself verbs.
Don't be embarrased to ask your doctor.That's what they're there for.To support you in any process they can.They've heard it adjectives so don't be afraid to ask her.
She will give you the best proposal and you can trust her.
Be really brave and ask.

What happens for a first-timer to the OB-GYN?

Your doctor have heard it adjectives and you should just plain ask her anything you want to know. that's her living to give you nouns medical advice and she know it. Do not be embarrassed to ask your Doctor any medical quiz at any time.

Recently when me and my boyfriend have sex, after ward i start to bleed brownish blood.?

There's no need to be dismayed. Just ask her.."I'd like your opinon on this. I currently use <product> and am thinking of switching to tampons but am worried more or less TSS. How safe are tampons and is in that a particular type that is to say better to use or ones I should avoid?"

Menstruation is normal, if your doctor is a womanly she's been here (or is still there). There's just nil to be embarrassed in the region of. It's your body, and a normal body's going to be next to you a while. Might as well win used to it and decide it's no big promise. You need to be comfortable asking such question...somewhere down the road your health or time could depend on it.

Can you overdose on yogurt?

Just ask her straight out. That's what she is there for, to answer any question you have.

Do i lug a test or dawdle a little longer?

please don't ever be afraid to ask question about your form to you physician. Its your life contained by their hands so to speak, be stretch out and honest... Blessings~

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