Why did my menstrual time of year come a week hasty?

I'm 25 and I always have regular period, but this summer, I've noticed a bizzare fluke. If I can remember, these were the starting date of my last three cycles: June 2, 2008; July 1, 2008; and July 24, 2008. So I had two period in one month. They're still normal period that last 4 or 5 days like adjectives my other cycles, and my cramps aren't very bad at adjectives, in fact, I don't even enjoy to take any medication to relieve the discomfort; so I don't think I enjoy anything serious. Oh yeah, it's been over two years since I had sex, so I can't be pregnant, and I haven't be taking any form of birth control lately; no STD's either, I don't think. However, I've be stressed out cause I recently graduate college and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my existence. I've been skipping days on my daily exercise routine sometimes when I enjoy to work late. I work outside in the summer roast and sometimes forget to drink plenty of water and don't take a break to put away cause I'm so busy dealing with customers. I also decrease the dosage on my antidepressant medication about two months ago. Could the factors and my I've mentioned above be the reason why my cycle is a little irregular? What's anyone else's opinion on this? Thanks.

Answers:    Medications, losing freight, gaining weight, as capably as stress, all have an effect of your cycle. For me one-sidedly, losing or gaining weight is what affects my cycle the most.

Maybe a checkup next to your gyno would be a good idea. He/she can relieve you pinpoint what may be affecting your cycle.

Good luck!

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