.Why is my pee red?

me and my friend we drinking mouthwash last night and presently my pee is blood red!! what is going on??

Answers:    You have probably damaged your kidneys. The alcohol surrounded by mouthwash is not meant to be ingested.

The side effects of drinking mouthwash vary depending on the alcohol potency and the amount of mouthwash ingested. Symptoms can include any of the following:

Collapse, convulsions, excessive sweating and thirst, slurred speech, inability to control motor functions, gaping breathing, slowed respirations, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pains, dizziness, and/or drowsiness,bleeding and in some cases may cause loss.

You need to go to the ER and acquire checked out. It is urgent. .
Your hemorrhaging. It's probably the mouthwash, and you are probably allergic to it, so stop using it and find something else.

Hemorrhaging = Internal bleeding, by the way. Ask your doctor why the mouthwash is making you hemorrhage, and they will be able to explain to you.

Hemorrhage: (Heh-MUHR-ige) French pronunciation on the G sound.

EDIT: Oh, you're DRINKING it. No matter your pee is red. Don't drink mouthwash, it contains Hydrogen peroxide, which is poisonous to swallow. You're supposed to swish it around surrounded by your mouth, and then spit it out, NOT swallow it..
The chemicals in the mouthwash enjoy likely damaged your kidneys.
There's a basis you're not supposed to swallow it. That was a very discouraging decision on your part. If you're that desperate to gain drunk, you have a problem.
I strongly suggest seeing a doctor within the subsequent few days. You can't always tell how badly-damaged your kidneys are unless you're checked out by a physician.
I'm not kid, mouthwash has some very hurtful chemicals in it that are NOT supposed to be ingested. If swallowed in colossal quantities, it can cause organ ruin, leading to serious complications..
drinking mouthwash to get withered doesnot work yes it has alcohaul in it but its smaller amount then trivial there is lots of poisons to put to death bacteria thats why its called mouthWASH try drinking mint extract near lipton ice tea in a 2 liter in a minute about the blood thing thats def not apposite probaly kidneys or something like that id procure it checked out jus go to a pharmacy without ur parents explain it to em and see what they right to be heard your an idiot. didnt your parent ever teach you not to drink chemicals or anything like that? theres a idea that they show you on commercails and stuff your supposed to swish and SPIT IT OUT! dont swallow it!! you can die from ingesting stuff that is harmful to your body. if you seriously touch the need to get drunk, jump get some beer or something. go to a doctor asap so you dont "see the bucket" earlier than planned. .

1.if you were that desprate to take drunk
why didnt you just drink 6 cans of mountan dew

2.chemicals within the mouthwash have likely destabilized your kidneys.

3.if your a girl you just started your period

4.that be a dumb thing to do

5. go to a doctor and he`ll convey you if you`ve damaged your kindney
or not.

first of all you arn't tremendously smart for drinking mouthwash. if you want to get drunk there are method easier ways. your pee is red because you are bleeding and you need to see a doctor. or the mouthwash was red. one of the two Did you own beets recently? Sometimes people pee red when they own an iron deficiency an eat beets. Sounds unnatural but it is true..
Drinking mouthwash is a bad idea. When I did I literally passed out. My pee wasn't red, though. Doctor time. And no freaking apple excuses. The dye within the mouthwash wasn't broken down by your body ended up in your urine..
Jesus Cripe! It could be blood surrounded by the urine- go to the doctor! Why would you drink mouth wash? Enough of it can put to death you, I think. You need to bring back to a doctor. Its not the mouthwash its probably blood..
Red Pee = EMERGENCY! Do not drink mouthwash first of all.
I dunno but its prob not a good conception to be drinking mouthwash.. im sure that has something to do with it. It sounds resembling you need a doctor..
You're gonna die I think. Well your not supposed to drink mouthwash.And if your a girl its probably your interval.
hemoroge! Why the hell would you drink mouthwash? To get drunk...that can cause organ let-down idiot!.
internal bleeding ,, see a doctor quick Ewwwwww, that is not typical.
Yew Dirty!!.
awww. you got your period...haha don't drink mouth rinse out..
thats why u dont drink mouthwash!! it has to do with your kidneys im sure damn boy.
you obligation a doctor.
really fast.
thats just stupid!

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