Can anyone recommend a good oral contraceptive pill that have no side effects?

I know its a bit of a strange question but i be on Microgon 30 and it made me really depressed so i stopped taking it and have be scared to give somebody a lift any pill since but need to travel back on it. Thanks


After conferral the hospital gave me lots of Obstetrical Antiseptic Towelettes - What are these for?

I have to try 3 different ones before I found the right one.
I be on one for a week and it make me consistency like I be going to vomit 24/7.
I was on another for 6 months. It give me headaches adjectives the time.
The one I use now is great. I haven't have any side effects and I've been on it for years. It's Levlen ED, but it might not work for you.

What do you devise is better a tampon or a pad?

Best oral contraceptive is "NO."

Am i going to capture my ?

They all hold side effect to some degree, be it pills, shots, implant.

Do you like your time of year?

It's better to consult with a doctor.

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i am also on microgynon sorry, if you go to your local family unit planning clinic they will put you on another type of pill. the potential side effects are usually on the leaflet inside the box.

Infertility in woman,impose by gonorrhea for how long she got to be infected to become infer til?

anything you bear with most expected have side effects you enjoy to try something new until you find what works for you

Male gyenacologist? are you confortable?

Whats wrong beside you coming off the lot and present him a chance to show some responsibility?
More women die every year from side effects of the 'pill' than everyone that die's from ecstacy tablets..

Hi i am anemic but chew over it could be dibeties.?

"Yasmin" is ok for me it has smaller amount hormones i think contained by it because its meant for ancestors who get alot of spots when on the pill and is designed to help near this.

but then culture are effected differently to types of medication So its best to ask your doctor and see what they recommend for you.

Hairy arms?


When do you hold the least likelihood of getting pregnant?

There are none. They are all hormone base, which jacks with your emotion one way or the other. Did you hear roughly the latest study? The showed sexually explicit pictures to women. Most women looked at the heartless bits first, EXCEPT for the women on homone supplements (like the pill)..
Why not check into some of the other birth control options?

Women Only Please!?

Sometimes you own to try a few brands to see which suits you the best. Ask your doctor or family planning nurse, they could suggest some others to try.

I've hear of one called Yasmin which is supposed to be fairly good apparently.

How can you make clear to if your hymen is already broken?

"cilest"ought to help you..i be on that pill you mentioned too,and i did not feel too angelic eaither..look up "Cilest"on the internet.

Ladies, r u willing to transport the risk's associated with Lybrel, the spanking new birth control?

its not an oral contraceptive IUD...they come in 2 forms one next to hormones and one without..i chose the one lacking hormones no side effects and you dont have to pinch something everyday...the only problem is that my period are a little bit biggie to me...but if your looking for something that have no side effects an IUD is the way to be in motion..and you can have it taken out anytime and its dutiful for 10years.

Vaginal infections?

i am personally on cerazette, at hand is no break involved, however you do bleed through it. i too got depressed while on the micro whts it call and i also put on alot of weight. but its immediately got smaller quantity since changing


I took Microgynon 30 and adjectives was great except it made me pile weight on. I swapped to Cerazette which is a mini pill. At first I get mood swings, but after 2 weeks these had subsided. I in a minute don't have period at all (which is a bonus for me as they be always highly painful) and my skin is also tonnes better!

I would recommend however that you speak to your doctor about your option. A friend of mine has have to try 8 different pills before finding one that suited her best.

Good luck!

Can you stop your menstral cycle once it starts?

Celeste is virtuous, speak to your doc or family planning place, they know better

If you enjoy your period, can you exercise?

anything thats gotten on prescription is going to hold side effects- and everyone is different- like me youll probably own to try 2 or 3 to find out which one suits you best x

Scared about bumps contained by my vagina. What do you think?

I hold tried about 15 different kind and have found Yasmin to be the best minus a doubt. Definately worth a try -helped with depression, tearfulness, pmt, cramps, everything! Remember no concern what you try to give it a generous go, some filch a while for side effects etc to iron out. Have you considered other methods, i.e coils, injections, implants? Don't be alarmed - it's your body, just save trying until you find something that works for you! Good luck x

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good luck.
All medication have potential side effects-even paracetamol.
You will just hold to keep trying different pills until you find one that suits you.

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there is no such pill, every drug have a side effect. Try having the coil instead.

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