What happen for a first-timer to the OB-GYN?

I am 17 and Im going to the ob-gyn for the first time in like 2-3 weeks. Im like a cat on a hot tin roof bc i dont like showing anyone, not even my kinfolk or friends, my parts, like even my stomach...so yea. Please consent to me know what they do..thanks

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I used to work ina OB-GYN office, and you obligation not worry. Every one is a litle concerned their first time to docter. When you first get within, you will be asked to fill out a olden medical history form. Then when it is your turn you will be called to the spinal column. They will most likely embezzle your weight and blood pressure, and some office will require you to urinate in a cup to take a pregnancy check even if you arenot sexually active. This is to ensure that they don't put you on any tablets that would potentially hurt you or your baby ( and some associates don't own up to being sexually busy, and the doctors must protect their license). Then a nurse or an assistant will go over your medical history beside you, and ask you some other questions including things resembling, when was your later period, do you enjoy pain near you preiod, do you normally bleed really sweet or light, things of that character. Some doctors will then come and bump into you adn introduce themselves before they adk you to gain undressed, but not always, evey doc is different. After the nurse will step out of the room and ask you to catch undressed. You will need to return with completely undressed, that means everythng. (you can keep hold of your socks on) You will put on a paper gown next to the opening facing forward, and hold a seat on the table and put the drape across your nouns. Then you wait. When the doctor comes contained by he/she will do a breat exam, one breast at a time, and then cover you backbone up. Then you will be asked to move down to the end of the table and put your foot in the stirrups. the best warning is just to relax. I know it is easier said than done,but if you relax your legs yawning open the pap smear solely takes roughly 30 seconds to do. The doctor will insert the speculum into your vagina, he/she will use a small push your way and a small brush ( looks like an eyebrow brush) to pocket a specimin from you. If you opt to have any cultures done, they will use a q-tip to roll contained by your vagina. you really wont feel anything except when they insert the speculum, and close to I said the more you relax the less you will get the impression. Hope this helps you.
it you enjoy any questions call upon you doc's office they will be comfortable to answer any thing.

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You lay on a cold table with a composition shirt on. They touch your breasts to check for lumps and usually have a cute poster for you to look at on the ceiling.
Then they put your foot in the stirrups and spread 'em widespread. The dr. should have a glove on. They embezzle a metal thing that they insert into you and it spreads you more. It mode of hurts. They poke around in in attendance and swab it with a long q-tip and some showery stuff. Then they un-screw the metal thing out of you and you receive dressed.

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It's not great...but doesn't take exceptionally long. You can expect to have the doctor use their fingers to check the vagina nouns and do a pap smear for cancer. Not too awful. I can't speak for others, but I never get comfortable beside it? Is the doctor female?

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They obtain you on the table naked and own hidden cameras and show everyone surrounded by the waiting room what you look like and you hear them laughing.

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I'm not going to fib...it's very self-conscious. You have to acquire completely nude and put on a robe or something that opens within the front (mine looked like a vest made out of thesis towel). They make you lay on the table and "scoot your butt down...adjectives the way now" near your feet contained by stirrups. They then "examine" you. The put really cold forceps inside you and spread you apart. They pilfer something that looks like a mascara wand and stick it inside you and verbs it around to "scrape your cells". This is after they put going on for a half bottle of ky jelly contained by you. Sometimes they'll stick their finger in your bum too. (I never had that, thank God). They will also do a breast exam. Once it's adjectives said and done they leave the room and you seize dressed. It's very mortified but we all enjoy to do it. It's very significant for your female robustness. Then you don't have to verbs about it for almost a year again. It sucks, but you'll be ok I promise. They have see every kind of body/parts near is to see...it's nothing up to date to them, it's their job. Hope I help...I gave you the honest truth.

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You will have to undress adjectives the way and sit on the table beside paper things covering you. Then the doctor will own you put your feet it stirrups, this will engineer you spread your legs kind of general. Then she will put this big metal thing contained by you that looks like duck chops and she will make it spread out your cervix and vaginal wall open. She will afterwards take token swabs of cevical cells. Then she will purloin it out and put her fingers in and feel your overies. Lastly she will do a breast exam and next you will be done. A few weeks later the bureau will either send for you or mail you your results from the swabs she took. Don't be panicky to show your privates to them, they see it everyday and they wont think twice going on for it.

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They are usually really comforting and try to build you feel similar to you have as much privacy as you possibly can human being naked within a strange room. Well you won't be naked, you'll enjoy the paper smocks they supply you, but that's it.

When the doctor comes in you'll bring back breast exam which is when the doctor will feels you up to check for lumps. Next, you'll probably win a pap smear which is where they lay you down, spread your legs and swab out your vagina near a ginormous Q-tip. It's very mortified even if you've had it done since.

All of this is necessary to see if you possibly own breast cancer and/or cervical cancer. Both are very desperate things to get and you're gonna want to find exams once a year. After it's all said and done the ends justify the means. You own to have this stuff done for your vigour. I hope this helped rather. :)

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This is coming from someone specifically shy as well. What they do is ask you question about your sexual history (i.e. partner, number of times, how many period, last start date, ending end date) next the oby/gyn will leave the room so that you can procure dressed into a hospital gown.
There is a table that you will have to fake down on for the breast exam and the pap smear. If you have not hold a small vagina the pap smear will hurt more. You can ask for a smaller specula. Yes they do come in different sizes. Almost always they will exam the breast first. This is deeply simple. They will start at the nipple and work outward aplying a little preasure. This is to ensure near are no lumps that could possibly be cancerous.
The pap smear will be next. Let your gyn know that you are like a cat on a hot tin roof and have her report to you what she is doing (this got me through mine. It really help you understand better what is going on as well). There will be two parts to your pap smear. The first part will be an exam where on earth the specula will be placed inside of your vaginal cavity. It will then be spread to allow the doctor to fully outlook everything so they can make sure within are no tears, cuts, infections, ect. The next subdivision they will take a swab of the facing of your cirvix. This is to test for stds, cancer, and any abnormalities. After this the gyn will bestow once a gain to give you time to redress. S/he will come put a bet on in and discuss birth control methoods next to you and then you will know how to leave.

Just remember to stay unflustered. If you tense up it will hurt abundantly more than if you are relaxed.

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well usually the first time they simply talk to you and ask lots of question. but its not too bad the worst subdivision i think is the pap smear. but its done surrounded by like 5 minutes so no worries. honest luck

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The exam is simple you can choose your own doctor you may discern more comfortable with a women than a man. After the nurse take your weight, take your tempter and blood pressure. You may have for a moment wait up to that time seeing the doctor. Once you are called you are taken into the nouns room and given a gown and asked to remove your clothes. After the doctor enters the room at hand should be a nurse in the room beside you while the doctor examine you s/he will insert clamps in your vagina and then unfold the clamps that they can exam you. the doctor will take a pap smear to check for cancer the item used looks approaching a Q-tip. Remember to let the doctor check for HPV. because at your age they very soon have something that can relief prevent this virus. It is really a simple exam but a very needed exam once a year. If you are not comfortable take someone beside you, and ask questions.

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