Ok, a queston alot of ppl enjoy asked, but I need relieve?

ok, me and my girlfriend were thinking roughly speaking finally having sex and I'm a girl and im a virgin and Im bisexual so i kinda want to dally for a guy to be my first intercourse partner but I was wondering a noiseless way we could hold sex because Im ready! I dont want somthing thats gonna procure us caught because our parents dont know about our relationship!

What category of pain do you grasp if you have Endometriosis?

The best course would probably be to take pictures and post them when you are done...


how mature are u? if ur under 18 afterwards dont even think more or less it!

Why does my knee hurt?


My dr is stripping my membranes subsequent week how effective is this? Please, with the sole purpose those who have experienced this?

Hi, this is undemanding advice:


When do u usually enjoy the symptoms or signs of ovluation?

Honey, two women can't actually enjoy "intercourse." Its just rubbing and that sort of piece. My advice is to roughly figure it out yourself. You are gonna grasp so many bleak answers and hateful family on here. I can't really tell you how to jump about that, because I consistency like you are youthful and it would be inappropriate to do so. Sorry.

I have need of help! All greeting.?

obviously you are not ready, remember when you do something you own to live with that for the rest of your enthusiasm, being bisexual is abnormal, the natural command is male and feminine thus the continuance of our species, but I think that tons women have explored this prospect, but would never acknowledge it, I would never recommend anyone become sexually active until they are ripened enough to realize the frequent affects it can have on your vivacity and most of them will affect you in a refusal way, but you probably are not aware of those things but, being intimate routine exchanging body fluids and so much more, hope you will reconsider until your elder!

I have 3 question ansewr plz?


Can Your Period Last More Than 3-5 days?

So, what's the difference to you between intercourse and "having sex"? "Sex" is a exceedingly slippery term (in both aim and practice!). If this involves sharing orgasms with your friend, you stipulation to know how noisy you're credible to get. Have you ever have an orgasm? If so, how much control do you have over the amount of roar you make? How roughly your friend?

If either of you is imagined to generate a lot of commotion, you'll have to arrange this for some time when you enjoy reliable privacy.

Most of all, don't use dodgy methods of muffling yourselves. Gagging your partner is dangerous! "Silent, but deadly" applies to more than flatulence. Waiting is better than losing your robustness or life because someone couldn't acquire enough nouns, and the other didn't realize it was a problem. Truth be told, getting caught is better than that (I speak from experience here).

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