I involve help! All generosity.?

I take a birth control pill and they are REALLY tiny.

I don't know why but everytime I embezzle it I feel resembling it gets stuck contained by my throat..

My dad tells me my body is used to chewing food and swallowing it, and near a pill, even as small as it is, it will rub against my throat and I just own a 'rubbed' feeling. That and I only keep thinking nearly it constantly.

Because for birth control pills I know you have to help yourself to it at the same time respectively day, but if it's within my throat.. how long would it take to dissolve? is it still significant?

I've tried everything with marine to swallow the pill to where it won't rub my throat. Someone said something give or take a few swallowing it with pudding...

Could I crush it? Chew it? (I hear it has a HORRIBLE fondness, but..)

I just hope I'm not messing up my cycle.

I don't even know if it's really stuck in attendance in my throat,
I hope it go down... who's to know?

I cant use tampons and I have my friends coming over for a swim todaywhat can I do?

I get the impression like that sometimes, but it is going down. Your dad is right it does rub and that's that. It only rubs going down, but it does go down. I don't know if you should crush it or not, sometimes that messes beside the effectiveness of some pills. I don't know if it will mess near birth control, but just to be past the worst, don't crush it. It might go down better next to pudding. I've never thought of that, but you could give it a try.

Do i own to use a tampon when exercising during my period?..plz help out?

Try taking it with soda. The carbonated drinks usually tend to give a hand pills go down easier and you won't even get the impression the pill at all.

Why do you seize so horny after coming off the pill?

the pill may perceive as though it's getting stuck, but it's really not, you may be taking the pill when your throat is really dry, try taking a few sips of water earlier taking the pill, Then when your ready to cart the pill fill your mouth up near water put the pill within your mouth and swallow all one shot. If this still doesn't work try taking it with food, any yogurt, pudding, oatmeal, whatever you get through at the time you take it. By adjectives means DO NOT CRUSH or CHEW this will thieve the effect away from the birth conrol. Good Luck. If you feel that self-conscious try the patch, I love it.

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