Periodating D:?

Actually im not..lets see..I am 2 days behind time, slightly crampy...i run to the bathroom every 5 minutes because I feel close to im start my period, but when i check nothings near!! I took a test this morning, and it be negative. Im have symptoms like sore breasts (they enjoy veins adjectives over them that look neon blue, ew) fatigue, trouble sleeping (i have a tough enough time getting comfy), i hold whats look like little pimples on my areola, and a hugely tan strip has appeared down my tummy outset from my belly CD is clear and is incredibly watery. I quality slightly crampy, but It doesnt feel similar to AF is going to pop up any time soon. Any advice?


Masturbation, (girls only)?

You are probably not pregnant. You nouns very anxious, which can if truth be told delay your length. The linea negra..line down your tummy...usually doesn't show up until later anyway, aorund the 12 th week.

Help please ! ladies please i guess guys too?

You should progress to a doctor. they can help you out closely...

Do you feel spasm after having an IUD taken out?

Try relaxing and stop worrying going on for your period. You nouns like you are fine next to some PMS type symtoms but nothing to verbs about. Also not sure what you denote by CD is clear and is liquid.

Is it normal to draw from your period after haven taken the EC(emergency contraceptive)pill?

Relax, your extent is coming on soon.

When will I get my extent (please answer!!)?

Chill Chester!?!?

Eat a popsicle! ;-)

Any one know whats wrong?

first off i infer that you need to carry checked out ASAP! and i also give you 2 thumbs up for taking a tryout bc those really do describe many of the symptoms of pregnancy but ive a short time ago never heard of adjectives of them at one time but who knows you could be missing something...theres sooooo frequent factors that could contribute to the track your feeling right in a minute so my best advice is to please return with checked out you never know, the only item i could think of besides preganancy is Fibroids, my mother have had them and if your stomach is getting a touch hard only just like it would if your expecting, afterwards theres a posibillity that, thats what it could be so good luck be safe and sound, and act prompt!
God Bless!

Does anyone else feel approaching they have to pee during sex?

Sounds approaching you are anxious but the sore breast and veins is what sparked my interest. My aunt and cousin both have veins start showing back found out they were pregnant. I have the sore breast, crampy feeling and glum test entry when I was pregnant but the splash thing sounds too rash. Relax, obstain from alcohol (just in case) and if you haven't started within a week, I'd see a doctor. Don't freak because it can hitch your period and you're probably worried for no justification.

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