GIRLS ONLY . What do I do if it continues...?

I have have my period the 1st time it be heavy and that be a week ago. Now its not heavy its MEGA HEAVY! I woke up and I have a whole lot of blood going down my leg, I have to go to the tub straight away!! (and I was wearing a tampon! but It still leak through). I changed my underwear 40 mins ago because It started again. And, I just have to change my underwear afterwards because It was running down my leg. My mother said if it continues I will downfall up in hospital tonight!! Should I see a doctor or a moment ago let it budge like nought had happend?

Could this be serious?

Try not to achieve stressed about it, but seeing a doctor would be clever. It would also relieve any anxiety you're having in the order of it right now, at lowest possible then you'd carry straight answers.

What is my problem if I keep bleeding my breaks and nouns is always come across to be coming in/?

Yes, see a doctor. You may have perforate something when inserting the tampon for the first time and could have internal bleeding. Please don't lurk.

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You must go to the doctors very soon!

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holy crap i'd run to a doctor.

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maybe you should go to the doc. basically incase it's more serious.

good luck, i discern for you

I have a HUGE headache?

go to the doctor, my friend have went to the doctor next to a similar problem and she was given medication so it would stop her period because it wouldn't stop, and it be heavy bleeding

I enjoy a kidney infection. I haven't had a length in almost 2 months presently. The blood test, urine, and ultraso

That doesn't nouns normal. See a doctor.

Girls: do you use Tampons or Pads? Why?

I estimate you should see a doctor. When you start your cycle for the first time, it should be light for the first several months. Severe bleeding could be a sign of something serious, so consent to a doctor make that determination. I do know its not run of the mill

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go to the hopsital

What makes your breasts hang down?

First periods are usually irregular, but that sounds pretty doomed to failure. Maybe you should go find checked to be safe. Good luck.

Tampon oblige?

sounds too heavy to be conventional, you should go surrounded by just to be safe and sound, best case they report you your normal and convey you home, maybe something is wrong, I estimate you should go to the hospital

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This is ordinary so get used to it, lots of girls bleed starchy like this.
Just double up on the pad and use bounty papertowels too.
It will be gone in a few days.

How do you know if your vagina is tight?

you should run to the doctor, is it possable that you are having a miscarrage? thats what it sounds resembling to me but if your not sexually active afterwards you could rule that out. it may be something simple and not dangerous but better to step and get a professional belief. try calling a nurse line, most citys and insurence companys hold 24 hour nurse lines you can call for form questions resembling that.

Can tampons cause seizure?

Go to a doctor immediately - if it continues you could bleed to loss or at least own a major blood loss problem

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Go to the hospital, is their any chance that you could be pregnent? Have you enjoy sex, just because that be your first period you could still enjoy been pregnant. If explicitly the case, move about to the hospital because you could be having a miscarrige.

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When I first started for give or take a few a year my periods be very solid, I did go to the doctor and adjectives I was told be that it sucks being womanly.

But as long as you have someone footing your insurance bill, move about to your doctor - just to cover your basis. What I did when it was lashing was I wore both a tampon and a wad.

Good Luck.


Listen to your mother. She's been have periods for years. It can be completely heavy when you're babyish but there's a constrain to what's normal. If your mother think you need a doctor, you probably do.

Ladies what are your PMS symptoms?

When I first have my period I thought it be heavy when it really wasn't. Perhaps you're using the tampon incorrectly? Try using a maxi wipe instead.

Tampons !?

what i do when i have a MEGA thickset flow is a wear a tampon and a pad, hope nought is wrong -

Ladieshow painful is sex on a clamber of 1 to 10?

Switch to maxi pads instead of tampons straight away. if the wipe fills contained by 40 mins then you should give the name the doc at minimum. if you cannot reach your doc contained by that case you should travel to the hospital. It's better to deal next to something like that back it's major after wait until it's too tardy.

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Definitely see a doctor, though try to jump to an office and avoid the emergency room. It's not expected to be something really awful and probably just your body's track of coping with a totally clean situation, but you might need for a while hormonal adjustment for a while.

Am I suppose to get another time?

Sounds like course too much bleeding - not normal. Go to Urgent Care presently!

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If you continue to lose an insane amount of blood you will be going to the doctor because you will gain week and dizzy and will need they will entail to do a couple of things.
1. They need to see if everything is ordinary or if you have a problem that desires attention.
2. They may need to hand over you fluids to counteract the loss of blood and make you get the impression better.

Please don't worry but remember they will run good attention of you if you do have to run. I hope it stops and you don't have to move about, but if you do remember it is just to trademark sure everything is ok and to keep you thought good.

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I would definitely gossip to a doctor right away!

Help I'm having hot flashes!?

Do you use pad? Are you putting in the tampon correctly? If you are indeed bleeding though tampons that quickly you should see your doctor =\

Please answer me if you can!?

i wouldn't procure stressed it is normal for period to be unpredictable but it does sound extremely heavy and does involve to be seen by a doc, to much bleeding can organize to iron deficiency, so permit your mum take you to the hospital or doctors to be on the protected side

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GO TO THE DOC! I started my "dot" and it was unpromising but not that bad!!

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i would see a doctor right away...relax though, it's probably nothing (something similar happen to me when i was just about 14y.o.) mom panicked, but the doctor said she be right to bring me to the hospital because it could've been something severe...hope everything is okay

Girlfriends vagina is not tight?

go to the hospital, it sounds close to you are losing a lot of blood from this. I consider it would be best for you, i know i would go.

Well my buddy did a boo boo what does this niggardly?

Sometimes girls are just close to that. This sounds funny, but wear a super plus tampon when you go to sleep and wear a diaper. I know it sounds funny but next to that heavy flow, the diapers will preserve it from going down your leg!

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See an Ob/GYN and don't sleep in a tampon you could seize TSS.

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