Do most girls squat when peeing or do hover over the toilet?


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Most squat. That is because most girls live in third world countries, where toilets, if they are lucky adequate to have them, are troughs set into the floor. If they don't own toilets, there might be holes cut into the floor which drop directly into a pit below. And if they're really rural, they might verbs a hole in the dirt, if they can be bothered to do so.

As for how most girls within _America_ do it, I have no conception.

Question about MASTERBATINGhelp!?

they sit on the toilet O_o

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Well, if you are using a European toilet which consists of a hole in the floor then you would be squatting. If you are germaphobic and using a regular toilet afterwards you maight hover and if you are not scared of germs you might merely sit right on that old *nasty toilet form!
*Mythbusters did a show on germs and did find that the toilet seat is one of the cleanest surfaces most minuscule compared to the floor or a ladies purse which was found to be definitely covered in germs!

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I sit on the form. Even in public restrooms. The likelihood of catching something off a toilet form are very low.

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Most sit on the toilet because catching diseases from the toilet seat is an urban myth. Even a toilet form with urine sprinkles on it can be wipe off (because urine is across the world sterile) and then sit upon, but I admit, it does impart one a queasy, grossed out feeling (this is when you can put toilet newspaper on the seat, and consequently sit). If everyone sat, nearby would be no sprinkles.

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i sit why would you ask a question similar to that

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In public rest rooms, I squat, at home I sit. If I'm at a friends house I sit if that friend is clean, otherwise, I squat. You can win crabs from unsanitary toilet seats if an infected individual sat here.

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