I involve some help or direction?
How do I get rid of my fleshy buns?
Either one of the stiches inside you from the C section is infected, or you hold some sort of an infection, or
something is else is wrong and requires a gynecologist check up. Please go and see one soon.
After affects from depo shot and getting pregnant?
could be a vaginosis, suggest your gyn is the one to ask.- Gynocologist exam?
- Cervical cyst removalor is it a cyst?
- Have lower back pain and spasms. want to exercise but afraid of damage to my back. want to flatten stomach?
- The WEIRDEST thing on my breast?
- Opinions? Too much estrogen? Just started taking Yaz-experiencing severe nouns, breast discomfort, consistency?
- Planned Parenthood?
- Questionn??
- I'm 33 and have a hysterectomy ar 31. Will I age faster?