Have lower back aching and spasms. want to exercise but afraid of damage to my final. want to flatten stomach?

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

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You need to build your core body strength - it will assist your back and flatten your tummy.. The easiest method to start is to imagine sucking your belly button towards your spine. Do it whenever you remember to - sitting in your bench, walking around town.
Lie on the floor and put your hand (palm down) below the small of your back, very soon try to squash your hand into the floor. The muscles that you use to do that are the ones you want to spark off as often as you can.

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If you belong to a gym then I would ask a personal trainer. They could assistance you with exercises and backing strenghten your back and abs. You are worth the money. I have a personal trainer 3 years ago and spent alot of money but well worth every penny. I lost 86lbs.

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I have one and the same thing and I also needed to flatten my stomach. Seriously, hop on your bicycle for a partly hour in the a.m. or evenings or both--it flattens your stomach. As you pedal you can grain it working your abs. Try it--it worked for me.

Also, the inexpensive Huffy from Wal-Mart is my favorite bike. I have have that thing for several years and not 1 flat tire but. It stays out in the elements year round and I will never buy another brand.

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To me, it sounds like you capture these spasms and have lower put money on pain repeatedly, so I recommend that you see a doctor first about the lower subsidise pain and spasms. You wouldn't want to basis damage to your put a bet on or any other part of your body for that thing. Then, you should ask your doctor if it's alright to exercise with the lower support pain and spasms. This is markedly a question where on earth you should go to a doctor instead of putting your robustness in the hand of someone with a seemingly moral "yes or no" answer to whether you should exercise or not. If for now you can't see a doctor, in recent times eat fresh, robust foods that will lead to a lean body. Exercising works to backing you flatten your stomach but eating economically will definitely sustain too. Hope this helps =)

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http://www.clevelandclinic.org/health/he... have some good starter exercises. Ditto here: http://www.lowbackpain.com/exercise.html... and bike riding per the previous answer is yes. You might want to check into a TRS (kind of expensive but worth it). Perhaps you can find one at a local strength club or see if your insurance company will get you some PT short-term and try it. I own one and it's great for when I can't go out! http://www.nustep.com/product/trs4000/...

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