Is it possible for a teenage girl to take breast cancer?

im just curious. i other hear that older women are most at risk. but they never mention anything roughly speaking teens in this issue.

I took a HPT and come + with one bright pink vein and one faded one. Now I think I'm getting my term.?

Yes it is possible. Cancer does not discriminate on age or even gender- males can acquire a form of breast cancer.

A friend of a friend that works in a famous cancer institute, (Peter McCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne) who have told of teens suffering breast cancers. The survivability is across the world higher though.

If you're concerned just about any abnormalities such as discharges, lumps etc- please see your doctor ASAP.

My boobs are gettin smaller??

Yes it is possible, although not that adjectives.

Do I have to stay within the hospital after a dnc or will I be able to give after-wards?

ya its possible,
its just division of cell at rapid rate and that's possible to teenagers also

Breast enlargement/problems?

Yes it is possible.My wifes god daughter suffered from this contained by her early 20s.It can be hereditory if thier is a history of it ther kinfolk you should have regular checks.

Who discoverd the america?

very dying out.. although teenagers may develop a lump in thier breast... but not to verbs, they are only cists. efficiently removed.. its just unnecesary solution that isnt to worri about

Do women approaching when a penis has vein popping out?

doctors say, yes, it is possible.

On average when do women lose their virginity?

At any age.

I hold heard of premenstrual stress, but is in attendance a such thing as postmenstural stress?

yes t is possible because it is an abnormility of cell... teenagers also suffer from it but the chances are markedly low...

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If you hold a family history of Breast Cancer it is possible.
Any lump contained by the breast should be checked out whatever age you are.
Thankfully it is not too adjectives in juvenile girls.

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Yes it is possible for anyone Male or Female to acquire brast cancer at any age. This said however is a rarity and so it should not be overly worried about.
Women should regulaly do a self breast nouns from puberty onwards. This should become a weekly practice

Sometimes i get these things?

breast cancer can occur at any age although its not as common contained by a teenager

Hypothyroid and Amenhorehea?

its totally rare but terribly its thing to do is exam your breast when surrounded by the shower etc ..if your not sure how to do this maybe travel see a female doctor or ask your mum its deeply important that woman of adjectives ages check themselves regulary x

Bladder infection?

If can happen especially if contained by runs in the family connections, but it is much more common within older inhabitants. The risk increases with age.

I did not hold a period this month, whats wrong next to me?

Its not common but yes, it is possible. I am also a teen and own hardly ever be told about the risks of breast cancer contained by teenagers.

How do u know when its spotting and not something else?

It is possible but fortunately very sporadic. Patients from certain genetic stocks and those next to strong family histories of breast cancer are most at risk of untimely onset.

How long can a woman take a miscarriage before she get ill?

i have a lump in my breast and get it checked out, but got to know it be just a cyst. the docs said that pubescent girls are not prone to breast cancer, it is very few and far between.women might be at risk in their behind 20s and onwards but before it is intermittent and uncommon.

Is it past the worst to do a brazilian wax when you're 7 months pregnant?

Yes its possible but its not likely. Its better in women that are over the age of 50. Thats why women that age should grasp mamogram ONCE A YEAR.

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