I have hear of premenstrual stress, but is there a such entity as postmenstural stress?

I get surly and be determined after my period but never past. Does this happen to anyone else? Could it be a sign of a hormonal lack of correspondence or something?

Why do woman..?

It seems your symptom is set, you are not unique :)
Here is a short summary of a research done:

The associations between retrospective ratings of food craving and depression during the premenstrual, menstrual and postmenstrual phases of the preceding menstrual cycle and ratings of current level of stress and happiness of relationship be examined in 5,546 women. In each phase examined, the severity of food craving be very strongly related to the reported severity of depression. Overall level of food craving were inversely related to good of relationship and there be some interaction of this effect with on-going stress. However, once the effect of depression be accounted for there be no effect of either current stress or delight of relationship on the cycle-related pattern of food craving and generally the magnitude of the effect of these psychosocial variables be very small compared beside that of depression. Food cravings were also reported contained by the absence of depression, prone to show a cycle-related pattern, maximal premenstrually, on the way out during menstruation and further postmenstrually. Whilst this is consistent with a cycle-related biological explanation, it remains vague whether the striking amplification of food craving ratings in association with co-existing depression, in adjectives three phases examined, is also biologically based or dependent on psychological mechanism. In view of the retrospective make-up of the ratings of mood and craving and the limited assessment of stress and cheer of relationship, these findings should be regarded as preliminary. They are, however, of potential stress and the association between these two common phenomena deserves further study.

Most of the papers I found are (for me) firm to understand

So what I suggest is talk to your gyn. one of at the present time, tell him or her of your symptoms, conceivably they will prescribe some light anti-depressant for you.

Musturbation for women?

There can be a slight discomfort and that may front to stress.
Stress can arise for a variety of reason. Any change surrounded by our lives can be stressful. In dealing with stress, the lifestyle requirements a complete overhaul. We should be placed on an optimum diet, and take regular exercise and average rest. Check out http://sumiram2006-stressfree.blogspot.c... for more info.

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