Do I have to stay within the hospital after a dnc or will I be able to start out after-wards?


Where is the wierdest place you've peed and why?

Usually not, in the experience of women I know. But they did have need of a support person to drive them home.

I can't honestly influence. I have be lucky enough not to enjoy one.

Whatever the situation, good luck.

Umm 3 months no length whats a happening?

you will probablly stay a few days

Ladies please.. I know this is going to nouns gross?

If it's just a D & C you don't enjoy to. They usually let you stay in the region of an hour to rest for a bit...but you usually go home duplicate day. If the D & C is accompany by another procedure, then you would probably hold to say 1 or 2 days.

Is it possiable to catch rid a yeast infection without meds.?

Unless you own complications of some kind you could probably be off the next daylight.

Please help!?

You make tracks, it's outpatient. But you have dr.'s appointments honourably regularily for the next few weeks.

I get only 1 answer previously.. SO IM GOING AGAIN!.. Q's bout pregnancy the pill and PIMPLES YAY variety!!!

You'll probably know how to leave one-two hours afterwards, depending on how things travel. You'll need someone to drive you home, and pick up your meds for you. And remember to stock up on sanitary napkins...

What is the g-spot on a girl?

the finishing time that i went to the democratic national convention i instantly checked myself in to a hospital.

Can a generous penis overstretch a vagina?

This is up to you and your doctor.

Question about childlike girls?

When I had a miscarraige the doctors perform a DNC on me, and I stood there overnight

Severe shoulder headache?

When I had one done, it be an outpatient process. They put you on bed rest the first day, consequently light duty for the subsequent two weeks.

My wife has trouble taking a dump, what can she do?

I own had one, I departed the same time. It was call day surgery. I have to have a dnc for a incomplete miscarriage .

Why the thumbs down? It be an honest answer and not at all unpromising. I am a mother of 4 children.

How can I get my hormones final to normal?

My sister have one, and had to stay over darkness. Just one night though, and she DID stir in at dark, so it may have of late been due to the hour. She be an emergency situation too...not a scheduled entity.

Healthy ways of?

I have have 2 d and c's , and was competent toleave the hospital the same daytime after spending time in the recovery room, and have all decisive signs, etc checked out to be ok. Mine were related to miscarriages, and most relatives I know that had them enjoy usually had it done on an outpatient reason, even if not for a miscarriage.

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