Should i take the pill?

Ok i'm fourteen and i've messed around with alotta guys and I know sex is definetly coming for me should i loaf until i have sex to take the pill or should iask my mom before foot? what should i say to her?

Birth Control Issue.?

I would markedly tell you not to seize the pill and not to have sex. It really isn't that wonder full at 14 it wasn't at 17 when I first have it. But I know you won't listen to this advice so if you are going to hold sex get the pill get sure he wears a condom a std and HIV is not something you want to own before you are 16. Well when it comes to your mom i don't know what you should let somebody know her. She is going to be upset either road I know I would. Just before you do it remember you singular have one first. Do you want it to be near some random guy or near someone you really love. I wish I would enjoy waited and I'm sure 99% of women who will answer this will wish they would have wait to. Good luck

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do you have your extent yet? if so, consequently tell your mom your cramps are extreamly desperate and you asked your health mentor what do to for them since advil, motrin, ect arent working for you and she sugguested to go on the pill to lessen the cramps. Alothough this is an excuse it is also true, i am on birth control due to my cramps and it help a hell of alot better then advil. goodluck

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You need to use some sort of contraception. and at your age I can't dream of the guys you are with are that responsible, so it might be a apposite idea to attain on the pill. You might want to try another form of contraception if you will have a unyielding time remembering to take the pill everyday. Tell your mom you want to turn to the Dr. to talk to them give or take a few your options because you want to be responsible.

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you should stir to and find a clinic to give it to you for free.

Or you can articulate to tyour mom and tell her that you want to product good choices and be prepared for doesn`t matter what you may choose to do wome day. Just remember that the Pill take a full 28 day cycle earlier you are protected.

Be smart with your body and use condoms too so that you don't procure an infection.

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You're awfully young-looking to be doing that, ya know. But if you're sure it's going to happen soon, draw from on the pill first. If you have sex first, afterwards you're already taking risks. And talk to your mom just about it in a grown, adult whim. She's probably not going to take it resourcefully, but if you are calm roughly it, hopefully things will go powerfully.
Don't forget - the pill doesn't stop you from catching diseases, so you should always use condoms as ably.

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You should start the pill at least a month BEFORE you own sex... but don't think that taking the pill give you a free license to have adjectives the sex you want.
-No birth control method is 100% safe, except for parsimony. You should use a condom every time you have sex to sustain protect against pregnancy and STDs.
-Messing around in one thing, but sex or oral sex puts you at risk for abundantly of serious, adult consequences. You may not be emotionally or mentally in place to cope with these, so don't rush into anything.
-Definitely speak to your mom before you consider have sex. Ask her about her own historic, and try to learn from her experiences, both positive and unenthusiastic.
-Suggest that the two of you visit Planned Parenthood together, so that you fully read between the lines what you're getting into before you try it.

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Don't be a 15 year out-of-date mother. Talk to your mom. You are an idiot for coming here for advice, but appropriate mine. You can live without it for a few more years. So can he. As to what you should vote to your mom, say, "mom, i go on the internet and asked total strangers what i should do about sex at the age of 14". See how she react and take her proposal.

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If you can talk to your Mom in the region of it, do so. Otherwise, go to Planned Parenthood or anything its called where on earth you are. I think you should hang about until you find someone special, but if you just want to own sex & nothing's going to stop you, next you need to bring back on the pill first! It only take 1 time to get pregnant & trust me, you sure aren't hoary enough to be a parent!

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OK - I read the first answer that came over and I have an idea that I may be able to lend a hand here.. I'm not sure about the relationship near your mother, but it actually may gain you some points, (with mom, of course), if you initiated a get-together with newly you and your mom when you can both sit down and preferably soon. From there in need shoving it down her thought, tell her your thinking of have sex and could really use some guidance. I beleive you when you say that you haven't dun the work yet, but she will know that you're unfolding the truth just by looking at you. Trust me, sounds craz, and it's true . She can't be that feeble (I'm early 40-something) and she must remember so she must also remember how much easier it is to homily to parents about sex if you throw the bubble in their court. Meaning, "mom, I've be thinking about sex , a lot" (deliberate pause), "what do you think" She may surprise you and if she doesn't in that has to be an elder (that's 10 + years old) that you can con find in. I wish you the best because the first time for me be miserable and I would've saved myself abundantly of grief if there be someone to talk too that wasn't going to rework the subject of sex to the status of my everlasting soul.! Good Luck - don't rush - only happen once!

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One factor to run into account is that you enjoy to take the pill every daylight for it to be effective. Trying to cast a shadow on the pills from your mom is going to be a real cramp, plus if you need a ride to get hold of a refill and such - it's probably easier a moment ago to let her know.

Just fashion sure when you decide to do it that you really quality like it's the right time and the right guy. There's zilch wrong with waiting, and what's right for your friends may not be right for you. I guarantee you'll bring back a lot of pressure from guys over the subsequent few years, so make sure you don't do anything you're not comfortable beside!

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