How long can a woman carry a miscarriage since she gets off-colour?

If a woman has a "missed" or "incomplete" miscarriage, just about how long can she be okay before she wishes serious medical attention? In these cases, the fetus does not expel right away or even on its own, and needs surgery or medication. I am curious as to how long it can stay within the woman's body before something close to hemorrhage happens?

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Usually the body will begin to expell the miscarried fetus shortly after extermination...from a few hours to a couple of days.

0-12 weeks or so the body usually has no problem expelling this on its own.

once you win between around 14-28 weeks or 2nd trimester you have to hold help near a D & C.
basically a surgery where on earth a Dr. goes surrounded by and chops up the remains and sucks it out..(sorry bout the graphic details ,,but it's the truth) I own seen it done several times..

beyond 30 weeks or so labor must be induced and the baby birthed resembling normal or a C-section perfomed.

I hold seen cases where on earth a dead fetus remains in the womb for years next to no problems because the mother never knew she be pregnant, but this is rare...

Usually you will start have problems. ie hemorrhaging, cramping within a few days of the loss of the fetus..then you will inevitability to seek medical assistance.

My aunt is throwing up blood and it's frightening me what should i do and what does this mean?

What concerns me is if you've only had an incomplete miscarriage and are trying to hold on to the remnants of the pregnancy in within and still considering yourself pregnant, OR are you feeling sick and have not long had a miscarriage?

Either channel, you really need to step to your doctor and make sure you are "cleared" because you're not looking for hemorrhage...remaining tissues can bring in you seriously ill because they will fester and cause infection.

I apologize if the first possibility be way sour the mark, it's of late how the question be presented that raised a red flag for me.

If you did suffer a miscarriage...(((HUGS))) to you...I've have 5.

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you should win it removed it immediately thats comatose matter specifically in your body and germs loves anything dead so you can find an infection. There was a woman though that have a dead fetus contained by her till she was 94 and i believe she be pregnant in her thirties but i wouldnt pinch that chance

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If you hold had an incomplete spontaneous abortion and are bleeding heavily, you inevitability to go to the ER. You could bleed to loss in a minute. It would be a good conception to be checked anyway. At the very lowest possible, you could get a bleak infection.

Can anyone recommend a good over the counter pill or vitamin?

You obligation to seek instantaneous help!! Please don't skulk, you have to acquire help as soon as you can.I'm no doctor but your body will act in response in a unpromising way if within's something not done to remove the "dead" tissue in your body. Please go to the doctor!!

Bra's..plz read..13 yrs mature here.?

If you or someone you know is experiencing this, firstly, I'm so very sorry. As someone who's have a miscarriage, I know how traumatic it is.

One should seek treatment right away contained by the case of a miscarriage. There is risk of hemorrhage and/or infection. Normally a D&C is required in a satchel of an incomplete miscarriage.

I had a m/c on 2/6/98. Went to the ER, spent a few hours at hand. On 2/8/98 I was pay for in the ER next to severe pain and I needed an emergency D&C.

Again... I'm so extraordinarily sorry if this is happening to you.

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You will need to be see by a gynecologist for any miscarriage. If the remains of a miscarried fetus is still present within the uterus, you risk a illustrious chance of getting a severe infection, which can be deadly. A DNC is usually performed, but in attendance are times when one is not needed, but to be on the undisruptive side it is best that you see a gyn.

Ok I'm 16, virgin and?

I use to work in the ob. dept. at a local teaching hospital as a secretary but own learned alot from typing up resident lectures. In a suitcase like yours, you stipulation to call your Ob/gyn right away since miscarriages swing according to each feminine pt. if you wait too long and something does come to pass, you can wind up beside an infection or something worse. If you are doubled over in pain, GO TO THE NEAREST ER STAT

If it's pocket money you're worried about, most hospitals and MDs own payment plans or a sliding excise scale where on earth you pay according to your income. At this time, I'd verbs about getting to an OB so zilch serious happens.

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If a woman miscarry and the fetus does not abort it is ALWAYS a accurate thing to progress to the doctor (gynecologist) and have them remove the fetus,Why? because as you know a moment ago like near any infection antibodies form to fight rotten infection, so when a fetus dies and doesn't abort antibodies form trying to get rid of the foreign be reluctant in your body and can attack things that aren't foreign and motive you alot of problems. Causing alot of problems for you that can be avoided. Sepsis -poisoning of the blood.

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