My girlfriend is suffering from tresses loss resulting contained by smooth on top spots after abortion. Help?

My girlfriend had an abortion in behind January and we started noticing that bald spots be starting to appear around early March. We have be to see a couple of family practitioners but they all attribute the balding to stress and recommended a cream (not sure what kind). However, the hackle loss has not slowed and new smooth on top spots are popping up regularly while old ones are growing bigger. I did some research and found that hair loss sometimes accompany birth (not sure if it applies in our case) and sometimes due to lack of iron. Does anyone hold any suggestions about how to approach this problem? Or are there any remedies we could try? Thanks contained by advance for any help offered.

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Take her to a dermatologist. If the spots are roundish and come and budge, she may have something called Alopecia. There is really no cure for this, but they can distribute you creams, sprays and even inject steriods into the bald spots to stimulate hair growth. It is highly likely that it was simply bad timing. I really do recommend going to a dermatologist and having them check for alopecia, and possibly getting steroid injections.

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She shouldn't of have the abortion in the first place. Bald spots are least of what she deserves.

I have sex 16 days after my time of year. Ive stoppd using Contraceptive pills since my spell. Will i still be locked?

very well if she could stand losing a baby.. then she should stand loseing her hackle..

tell her to get topical shampoo

my ex friend had an abortion and never lost her hair

Menstrual cycle Problem?

Not a concrete spell?
I am really sorry if this sounds?
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