Cramps! I own tried EVERYTHING I can think of..!! Please backing!!?

I have my spell and the cramps are almost unbearable- much worse than they usually are. I have tried taking ibuprofen which usually help tremendously but it won't work this time. I've tried taking a walk, drinking plenty of hose down, doing light crunches every hour, drinking milk.

The simply thing that seem to help me at adjectives is smelling a candle, which takes away the strain for about five minutes, and I evidently can't smell a candle every five minutes..!!

Any ideas? PLEASE assistance me! (Please no suggestions of medication)

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Exercise help. Try walking and stretching. It worked for me. When I started working out it eased my cramps tremendously. Try it and see if it works for you.

Early Period?

Use a heat pad

OMG! THAT IS IT! -Dieting give support to?

take a hot bath/shower, go to sleep.
drink chocolate
i know u said no medication, but try midol

Have you ever had a missed term or irregualar periods due to individual on or coming off of an antidepressant?

get bang

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Have you tried a heat pad? Put it on your tummy and see if that help.

Implantation bleeding or ?

well my mother gives me this.. you bring an orange strip and u boil it right when it is finish boiling then u can drink it..
and ur cramps will be aware of better...

no medication at all.. jus inbred things u have at home...

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Warm up some wine more or less the same temp as a kid's bottle. Cheap or expensive does not matter.

What can i drink to call a halt this?

Try taking 2 Midol and laying down beside a heating wad, it always help me. Hope I helped!

I'll ask this again since someone thought it be inappropriate and have it deleted.?

Deep breathing, trying to replicate complicated rhythmic pattern. Look up Lamaze techniques for child birth.

Mom = no tampons.?

Drink mint ... take home hot water next put some mint leaves on it

I had a desperate migraine again?

Try a heating wad. It helps for a while..Asprin strangely help me whereas Tylenol, IB, Advil, etc. does not.

Try and sleep as much as possible so that you do not have to bear up the pain.
Rub some lavendar aromatic lotion on you so that you don't have to hang on to lighting candles.
Teas also help beside cramps..Green tea, Mint tea, etc.
SOME people find that (it hurts at first) pressing down totally hard on your lower stomach and consequently releasing causes the torment to go down a moment or two. I don't know why..
Tampons could also be poking your cervix so try using pads as much as possible.

Good luck..I perceive for you:/

Who else here hates period and puberty?

if you have some tums or rolaids...anything near calcium will help.whip a couple every couple of hours.I feel for you so I hope it works for you.

Almost 47, markedly light time of year, on a off brown discharge and some cramping. Start of menopause?

Definately try a heat pad and midol. The other entry is talking to your gynocologist, you could enjoy endometriosis or another problem with your reproductive system. Also, she can prescribe you strong medication or birth control.

Women only please: this is thoroughly hard to acknowledge and very degrading?

I went through duplicate thing and heat pads and ibuprofen help. Also getting in weird positions (knees up, fetal position) can give support to. Its not always fun human being a woman is it?

Tampons for hockey/school PE?

naprogeisic works for me (an over the counter period affliction relief tablet from the chemist or supermarket)
or you could try a misery relief emulsion that you could rub into the area similar to nurofen gel, metsol or deep bake.

personally i find that hot river bottles and long warm baths oblige me.

exercising can give surprising nouns for alot of women. Slow strolls around the block, that sort of thing.

i hope you find something that help xx

Fingering does it hurt.?

you could try not to lift anything during your interval and before, because that will be that you are straining yourself.
try resting also that would variety of help and if it does not even stop for nearly an hour see your physician because that will mean that something is wrong or you are newly under stress.

I sometimes bleed when my boyfriend * me.. why?

k, so this might nouns a little weird and wonderful, but try yoga. i get awful cramps. i plan they make me cry and stay within bed all daylight. but, my grandma is obsessed next to yoga, and so she had me do some stuff, and it really, really help!! so... okay, sit on the floor, and spread your legs apart at a comfortable angle. then, put some pillows or something forward of you, and lie down on them. sit near for a while. then, repeat like peas in a pod thing beside your legs straight and together in front of you, consequently indian-style, or anything. these exercises are also supposed to make your time of year shorter. i hope those help!! also, in that is a lot of information at hope i help! sometimes being a girl sucks!! lol

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well i know you want suggestion next to meds but what about birth ontrol yasmin works the best near cramps and your perod is light i go fom 10 long days of heavy bleeding to 3 days of a bedside light eriod would you consider that

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Honey, I know you said "no medication," but sometimes it's necessary, when you hold a medical problem.
Good for you for wanting to try all the fluent stuff, but if that doesn't work, are you just going to be miserable forever? Bad period can effect your life significantly.
So try adjectives the stuff everyone is suggesting. I'm all for it.

But if none of it give you enough nouns, consider birth control pills, regardless of whether or not you are sexually active.
Oral contraceptives can sometimes totally cure dysmenorrhea and trim down your blood flow significantly. Almost all women discern an improvement beside the first pack, it often get even better over time.
Yes, there can be side effects, but in that are some very low dose pills which most women do really in good health on.
You could even consider Seasonale, which would give you a interval every 3 months.
Good luck with everything -- I hope something works.

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If it is decriminalized in your country, try to smoke a small amount of high-ranking grade marijuana. That is what the women here contained by India do. It is a marvelous cure for many ailments.

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My suggestion is that you bring back to your dr to have them evaluate the situation. They will form the determination if you need stronger medication to oblige the pain.

The aim that meds such as birth control pills are used to try and help make less burdensome the periods is because it can give support to smooth out the way the hormones are cause the pain.

Also, using other anti-inflammatory medication like the prescription benevolent like Ponstel (an example) is used is to try to in control the signal that is self sent to the brain to tell you that you hurt.

But within the mean time you could try a heat pad or hot marine bottle to see if that helps some of the agony. You can also try increasing the level of iron that you pocket in during this time by ingestion things like spinach, raisins, and peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course). Doing this may serve the cramping by easing some of your period flow if it's super large.

Pls try not to worry roughly whether or not you'll have to operation with medication right presently. The first thing you must do is to see your dr to own them evaluate the situation to see if they can help you amount out what is causing the cramps to be so beyond the pale.

Because something is definitely wrong.

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