Almost 47, very standard lamp period, on a rotten brown discharge and some cramping. Start of menopause?

I will be 47 in September and this month my period have been fairly off. First, I be about 9 days unpaid. When I finally did get my extent is was of late very feathery, brown discharge with a sunshine or moderate bleeding. It's been over a week immediately and I am still experiencing the brown discharge and mild cramping. I am not pregnant, nor am I sexually active at this time. Could this be the beginnings of menopause?

If I run everyday, 4 1 hour,five days a week for one month how much weight could I loose on an average idea.?

I'm 52 and been experiencing this type of entry for a couple of years. I'll have a "normal" month and later a crazy month. It's the beginning of Menopause. Make sure you go and get a check up by your gyno, to rule out infections. I didn't have a time from November '06 to March '07...St. Patrick's Day I started the brown "sludge". This alternated with dull red, light read, moderate flow, flimsy flow, spotting for over 22 days! It was freshly enough of a mess to own to wear something. NOW, this week, I found out I have breast cancer. I thought my breast sensitivity be just "hormonal". I hold fibrous breast and they are always swelling...Ah, ain't enthusiasm grand. Good Luck to you, Sweetheart.

Help next to excersice?!!?

sounds very much close to it is

After your Period does your uterus shift?

More likely dance to the doctors

I need relieve from someone that knows what i am going through. my thyroid symptoms increase and down. what is up?

Yes. Go see your doctor to make sure its not more serious and to swot what you need to do to hack it it.I hope your ready!

Why does my stomach soreness when ?

It may very in good health be the beginning of menopause. I have a thyroid problem, and I thought that I was peri-menopausal, but I wasn't. The doctors voice that if you have not have a period for a complete year, you are considered to be menopausal.

My ask to u is this: do you have headache, fatigue, night sweats, mood swings, sleeplessness, cargo gain or weight loss that have occurred speedily, weird period (like the ones you have basically described) often? Before if truth be told assuming that you are going through menopause, go check with your OBGYN and own him/her run some tests to check your thyroid first. Some of the enormously same menopause symptoms occur when you own a thyroid condition. It is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed, most missed condition.

I'm haven't had my spell near something wrong with me?

Your doctor can determine this for you by doing some test and checking your hormone levels. Based on your age though, I would guess that you are entering menopause, which is completely middle-of-the-road.
Women can begin this process surrounded by their late 30's and hasty 40's (peri-menopause), or they go through it within their 40's or 50's. Everybody is different, and will react differently to the change that each and every woman experiences during her go.
Speak with your doctor and hold the tests done. You might also want to carry a bone scan done. Osteoporosis will affect 9 out of 10 women during their lifetime. If you get that theory test done now, you can see how your bones are very soon, and what you can do to prevent any more bone loss from occurring. One way, is through resistance training, and exercise.
This is a fresh chapter in your vivacity. Appreciate your life for adjectives it has to proposal, and all you own to offer to the world. Move forward near the knowledge and teachings that only a woman surrounded by her 40's has.
Good luck, and delight in life.

Biological clock urges are too strong. what can be done to treat a hormone inconsistency?

It very ably could be menopause...You're at that age. Some women experience heavy period, some experience what you're going thru. Have you had any other symptoms close to the "sweats" or anything of that nature. One of today it w/just come to a stop & you'll never see it again. If you think it's anything to verbs about, ck. w/your OBGYN. Otherwise, I don't forsee anything to verbs about. Of course we're adjectives different. Pretty soon you'll have your second period & won't enjoy that to worry around any more the rest of your life. That's great!!

Advice plz (im worryed just about my gf )?

Menopause is a stage in energy when a woman stops having her monthly length.It is a normal cog of aging, marking the running out of a woman's reproductive years.More information and remedies at

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