How did I go and get genital herpes?

I got genital herpes when I be a virgin. But, I had boyfriends be in motion down on me. I heard you can capture it that way, but none of my boyfriends ever have visible cold sores. Then it seem one day I have it! It had to be from the oral sex that I get the herpes from, because like I said, I be a virgin when I got them. How could I hold gotten the genital herpes if my boyfriends never had marked cold sores?

Plz women or girls only..?

It's possible that you get genital herpes from someone giving you oral sex (you don't need marked sores to pass the virus).

It's also possible that you come in DIRECT skin to skin contact beside someone who has the virus. DIRECT skin to skin contact similar to mouth to genitals, or even just rubbing genital areas together (like dry humping) is adequate to spread the virus. Again, you DON'T need evident sores to get the virus.

I get the virus over 6 years ago from a guy who had no signs or symptoms of the virus. I believe he received oral sex from a girl who have cold sores which then cause him to get genital herpes cause by herpes simplex virus 1. He also failed to mention to me that he have the virus.

You could always find a blood test done (if you haven't already). This can report you what kind of herpes you enjoy (herpes simplex virus 1 or 2). I've also never had cold sores within my entire life but I tested positive for herpes simplex virus 1.

Ladies interrogate please? Kind of personal?

you are having oral sex and you consider urself a virgin? i dont conjecture so.!

Results of my blood test?

if one or your partner had any exposed sore surrounded by their mouth, you can get it. it it's inside their mouth, you or even they may never enjoy seen an actual sore. so sorry, particularly not fair

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children take closely of risks trying to be grown up. Herpes is forever. Congrats!

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You have a boyfriend who was too much of a coward to describe you he is infected. A lack of cold sores doesn't parsimonious herpes can't be transmitted

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I believe that you can get it if your bf have genital herpes and performs oral sex. It could also be that he touched himself (scratching, conceivably playing with himself), later touched you - it is frequently transmitted when there are no perceptible signs on either the jaws or the genitals. I hope you know which one it was, or he'll hang on to on passing it to other folks.

Good luck!

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My concerned is that you can get genital herpes by have contact with someone who have an oral herpes infection - even if the person didn't hold an obvious outbreak. The type of herpes you hold been infected near can be tested to see whether it's type I or II.

When attempting to prevent genital herpes, it's possible to transmit the virus even when someone doesn't have any blisters, so it's crude to assume the same item about oral to genital nouns.

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OMG do u ever keep under surveillance any commercials? Did u take sex ed? U dont enjoy to have any signs to own it be transmittable.OMG now look, U getto transport meds the rest of ur life and verbs about infesting anyone u lye beside.Great going!!

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HSV herpes simplex virus is highly contagious, yes oral sex can transmit the virus, incubation usually 1 to 26 days after exposure, you should wish medical treatment and advise those you've have relationship over the 30 days prior to breakout, you can carry this virus lacking a breakout more than 2oo,ooo will become infected this year (estimated)

Why are females called a whore when she's slept next to a few men BUT when a guy does it he's hailed a hero?

sex is sex no event if its vaginal sex or oral...and they didn't need to enjoy visible cold sores...thats why you should be scrupulous who you deal near...but they didn't need to enjoy visible sores for you to get hold of herpes...

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You do NOT need to hold any visible lesion to pass on the herpes virus - don't you view TV ads?
Either one of your partner had it, or the personality they performed on beforehand you had it.

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First off, oral SEX is SEX so you're NOT a virgin. :)
Secondly, your boyfriends don't own to have evident sores to pass on the disease. That's how you get it.

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