How do i lift the pill when i'm going overseas?
if you are sexually busy or will be on vacation, you obligation to take the pill at the exact same time you do at home, even if it mechanism waking up untimely. for example, if you normally rob the pill at 12 pm your time, and the place you are going is 7 hours ahead, you take the pill at 7 pm because that would be 12 pm contained by your home town. otherwise, get the morning after pill or use some other type of contraceptive. i hope this help!
If like time every day is 24 hours apart, do the math. If you nick it at 7am at home, it's still 24 hours until the next year. No matter what time it is on the clock, help yourself to the pill 24 hours from the last time you took it. An hour is an hour no event where you are on the map.
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