Urinary tract infection?

when i go pee afterwards my stomach starts to hurt....

do i enjoy a bladder infection or a urinary tract infection??

or something?

Breast size?

That does sound approaching a bladder infection. I would get to the doctor as hastily as possible (today if you can) because the pain will get hold of worse and you feel the call for to pee more often. They can provide you pills that will treat the infection.

If you cannot reach the doctors, cranberry liquid is known to oblige relieve symptoms. Make sure that you are drinking enough fluids.

Severe irritability and PMS?

You may hold a bladder infection you may also be dehydrated. UTI's are characterized next to burning with urination, hallucination, chills, but I have have many and sometimes I do hold lower pain contained by the abdomen. You best seize to a doc as they can test near a simple strip if your white blood cell count is high and prescribe an antibiotic. If departed untreated it can spread to your kidneys and that is big trouble. Try drinking lots of wet until you can get to a doc, also cranberry liquid helps if you can fiddle with it.

Vaginal discharge while preg?

You may have a bladder infection and that is to say usually caused by a UTI. Symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) may include:

Pain or burning when you urinate.
An urge to urinate frequently but usually endorsement only small quantity of urine.
Dribbling (inability to control urine release).
Pain or a feeling of burden in your lower belly.
Reddish or pinkish urine.
Foul-smelling urine.
Cloudy urine.
Pain in your back only below the rib cage, on one side of your body (flank pain).
Fever and chills.
Nausea and vomiting.
Some nation have microbes in their urinary tract short having any symptoms. This condition is call asymptomatic bacteriuria. It requires attention in abiding situations, such as during pregnancy or before surgery involving the urinary tract, but it usually can be disappeared alone if symptoms do not develop.

Several other conditions, such as vaginal infections or irritable bladder, cause symptoms similar to those of a UTI. Your doctor may evaluate your strength for one or more of these if you have urinary symptoms, depending on your medical history and how economically you respond to treatment for a UTI.

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